Freetrade Ireland launch

Hi I was wondering whether Freetrade has launched in Ireland yet? On the waitlist but have no position or any idea on how long the wait might be. Thanks :slight_smile:

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Weโ€™ve been adding users to the closed beta. DM @Gemhappe if youโ€™d really like to join!


Long term lurker (and investor since 2018), but first time poster here :slight_smile:

Would like to be added to the beta as well, but unable to see the option to DM @Gemhappe.

Can you please let me know how to get on board


That reminds me - what happened to @Shane-aurora ? I liked his chat.


Hi :wave:
Did you manage to reach out to Gemma? If you click on her profile, there should be a pink โ€œMessageโ€ button, that will send a private message.

Let me know how you are getting on!

Hi Renata,

Unfortunately, not yet. Iโ€™ve looked for a way to DM/message Gemma, but the option isnโ€™t available to me (assuming because my account here is only days old).


Iโ€™ve just messaged you! Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

Hello can you tell me how the Closed Beta for Ireland and Holland is getting on. Do you know when the full roll out will be approximately will do. Thank you

Hey @Gemhappe , I cannot message you either, but would live to join the Ireland Beta.
