I’m really hoping the FT team fixes the graph as a matter of urgency it’s the biggest UX issue on the app my graph is incoherent and does not tell me anything about my portfolio performance because I make semi-regular cash deposits which ruin the graph. I don’t know why Freetrade haven’t commented on it yet it seems a simple fix.
These are some really good points. I hope Freetrade take note. The UI and general bugs with the UI are really becoming more of an issue for me than the stock universe it’s self.
Even small things like incorrect touch bounds on icons, blocking UI like the the order processing screen stopping you from getting on with stuff instead of just pushing the order to your activity queue. It’s incredibly frustrating
Could you share your findings when done, please?
Because it conveniently makes everyone’s performance look better than it should?
That’s one theory.
Looking for 5 Freetrade users to do usability testing on my prototype of Freetrades portfolio page!
- You will be entered into a mini 5 person raffle for your time! (The winner will receive a £15 amazon gift voucher!)
The usability test will involve a 15-20 minute chat over zoom as you explore the prototype and give me feedback, suggestions and ideas based on some small tasks that I will set you.
Book a twenty minute slot with me this week using the following link!
To find out more, continue below!
A few weeks ago I started working part time on a case study with the idea of giving users a clearer understanding of their portfolio composition and the movements within it. After running user interviews and conducting a survey on the Freetrade forum, I concluded that the biggest problem area within the Freetrade app was its portfolio page.
Users were particularly frustrated and confused by:
• The portfolio graph,
• The lack of information about the movements of their portfolio as a whole, not being able to immediately see which of their investments were responsible for any significant portfolio movement (without clicking into individual stock holdings or having a super memory),
• Stock purchasing information only displayed in native currency.
My problem statement was as follows:
Our traders struggle to understand the growth of their portfolios in Freetrade. Our solution should offer an easy to understand, visual way of displaying portfolio movements over time.
Based on my problem statement and the user feedback on the current product, I have created a prototype that hopefully solves some of these key issues!
By partaking in the usability tests, you have the opportunity to further improve the prototype and get your voice heard. In a week or two I will post the final results/ product of my case study on the Freetrade forum! (and perhaps some of the ideas within the prototype will be carried forward into the actual product?!)
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