Reviews on the App Store

Food for thought:
Having followed the progress of FT and itā€™s position on the App Store charts (it keeps rising :partying_face:).
I also noticed that the overall star rating of FT is dropping - I had a look and having sorted by most recent, there are a lot of 1 or 2 star reviews recently.
Any thoughts on the matter?

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They probably need to improve customer service of people are waiting more than a few hours for a response.

A lot of review come across as people with unrealistic expectations and T212 fans.


Some of the one star reviews are hilarious :joy::joy: but yeah Iā€™ve left a new review!

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There are two standout reviews for me:

The one that accused :freetrade: of racial profiling

The one that accused :freetrade: of stealing shares, because the poster hadnā€™t realised Aston Martin had carried out a reverse stock split



The bigger the size the better the product. When I say product I mean functionality of the APP


The reviews make me laugh. Itā€™s as though people havenā€™t a clue how the stock market works. You even have people complaining that ā€œmost of the time the market is closed and you have to wait until it opensā€ and ā€œthat you canā€™t buy a share if itā€™s less than Ā£1ā€

The funniest one was the person moaning about paying for the premium, so they were were going back to Hargreaves Landsdown. (and probably paying more for one trade than a months premium membership on FT. )

Iā€™m convinced most of these bad reviews come from ā€œcompetitorsā€


I read some of those reviews myself and itā€™s absolutely laughable. Those two youā€™ve picked out were my absolute favourite.

Perhaps theyā€™re used to crypto currencies that can be bought 24/7?

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Does feel a bit suspicious all the one star reviews. Itā€™s the same on the Google play store

The competition will do everything possible to try and disrupt Freetrade and they are getting more and more worried about how well Freetrade are doing. The Bulgarian based competitors have been doing it from the moment Freetrade started and have even tried to disrupt this forum. Check what the Financial Times caught the founder doing. I have no idea why people trust T212.


:joy: Thatā€™s hilarious. I remember hearing that previously. Always good to be reminded of it.

It does make you wonder how many of these one-star reviews are part of a review bomb campaign.

It wouldnā€™t surprise me, T212 have been caught setting up fake profiles before and would do it again Iā€™m sure, donā€™t forget the founder was caught setting up fake profiles on here, they tried to disrupt FT during fund raising (totally failed), theyā€™ve left fake comments on crowdcube and now it looks like the App Store. The reviews on the App Store are so clearly fake, the English is terrible and none of what they are saying relates to Freetrade. It really is pathetic what they try and do to stop Freetrade, they are clearly getting worried about the speed at which FT are growing. FT should take it as a huge complement that competitors are trying to disrupt them using dirty tactics but also work even harder to make FT even bigger so the likes of T212 are seen for what the really are, untrustworthy cheats.


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