Greatland Gold - GGP - Share Chat

Close on 27.6p let’s hope it holds the high this time and preferably keeps going up.

100m share purchase after hours… looks like it’s a fund buying in maybe tracking an index.
Another positive is that the GDXJ take the closing share price of today to calculate the next rebalancing happening on 18th December! (The last SP taken was at 15p) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Even nicer being a shareholder :grinning: :+1:

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Indeed. This is my largest holding and I’m struggling to trim it. The potential is still staggering based on the latest numbers.


This is a happy place! All positive vibes here from now on please!


I predict it’s going to be 30p at 17:43 on December 2nd 2020


Get in there!!


Gents, as GGP investors we’re on the same team. Chill


Agree with that.

Let’s always please remember this sentiment and the forum rules, including:

Be kind and helpful. Help make this place a welcoming, inclusive, respectful, and interesting place to hang out!

Thanks, everyone.


I choose to believe that @Rollingskies and @Cameron are engaged in a good natured ribbing and that we’re all friends here regardless of what they may say of each other.


With previous drilling updates GGP has always risen with the rumour and retraced a bit with the news.

What are everyone’s thoughts that this is happening now leading up to the AGM next week? Or do you think the AGM will produce the MRE and possibly Scally news taking the share price to new highs?

My (perhaps hopeful) expectation is that retracing will be minimal before the AGM and if the drill results for Havieron or Scallywag are good then I’d expect it to go up. The market makers may try to drop it to flush out some shares for the next GDXJ rebalancing as they have been doing for previous large buys.

Looking at the numbers though, Havieron could be worth 40p per share and we still don’t know the full extent of it. Scallywag is 100% owned and the footprint may be larger than Havieron. Then there is 100% Ruddall.

Plus also the Paterson Range East new JV, 25% of Goliath plus the others. Goliath again looks like it may have a larger footprint than Havieron.

If Scallywag hits big it’ll get to the stage GGP may be too big to buyout, though all these developments take years and require huge capital, plus who knows how the gold price will run. However it reminds me of Chris Evans years ago saying he bought his Ferrari for £5m because in a few years he wouldn’t be able to afford it.

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IMO I don’t see this pulling back much until 18th December at the very earliest.
The GDXJ rebalance on 18th and are likely to buy another $10-20m of shares, meaning most traders will stay in until then.
The MRE should arrive soon, maybe in time for the AGM, maybe not, but GGP and Newcrest have confirmed several times that it’s due to be announced this year (for the south east part of Havieron only).
Scallywag results could be any time and obviously the SP impact is dependent on how good they are, I think the hype across various forums is building a big expectation that we’re going to see Havieron V2 which would be even more significant given we own 100% of it as opposed to 30% of Havieron.
Exciting times indeed! (Although the rate of change in the SP is for me both extremely exciting and nerve-wracking!)

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I get the nerve wracking part completely. GGP is the bulk of my SIPP and without inspecie I may need to delay moving across to the Freetrade SIPP as it’s too big a risk to be out of the market.

It’d likely be 4 or 5 days of selling down, waiting for settlement, moving cash across and rebuying and that’s too long when December could be pivotal for news.

Yes I would leave it where it is for a couple of weeks at least!
Tried transferring my old pensions into an HL SIPP in time for December but of course they screwed it up so no gains in my pension for me!

Off topic for GGP but I’ve no experience of SIPPs. Can they not transfer your holding from one provider to another? You have to sell it all and transfer cash?

It depends if the providers support it or not. My previous pension was sold off before going to vanguard for example.

Is it the same process with ISAs? I’ve a good GGP holding in mine and have been waiting for it to transfer over to Freetrade since late October which I’m presuming will happen soon.

Freetrade confirmed no inspecie at launch, though they will work on it. No idea on timeline for that though



Doesn’t affect me at the moment but I’ll keep an eye out. Vanguard also don’t offer drawdown options yet either but I don’t believe they plan on charging for it. And HL seem to have stopped charging for it as well.

Are in specie transfers supported?

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GlennDrawbridgeProduct Team

Hi @Eden,

Inspecie transfers are definitely in our plans and we will start working to support inspecie straight after we launch our SIPP. We’ll be offering cash transfers only from launch.


The Freetrade ISA support in species transfers for U.K. listed stocks.

@EuanG just realised I never specifically said the sipp won’t support it at launch. But I think both parties need to support in species transfers? Plus your holdings need to actually be available on the platform

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