Lundin on the lookout for a acquisition…their fellow board members from Newcrest could recommend a potentially large gold find near one of their sites…
Australian shares will be a way off into the future I would havd thought. Will most likely roll out all other features and main markets first so potentially a loooong time
Thanks for the request, it’s always good practice to search before starting a new request (it not immediately clear) as in many cases there is already a request going. Keeping discussions in one places help demonstrate the demand for the Freetrade team for it to be added.
In this case Newcrest are listed on the ASX - Australian Exchange which isn’t supported by :freetrade:
There is a US listing however it is traded Over the counter (OTC). DriveWealth who Freetrade have partnered with to run the trades for the American market have very limited support for OTC stocks and we’ve not seen any rolled out on the Freetrade network yet.
OTC stocks are traded directly through market makers and are not listed exchanges like NYSE/NASDAQ.