Crash helmets on! It’s going to be a bumpy ride before we hit the smooth tarmac!
But I’m here for the long run.
Crash helmets on! It’s going to be a bumpy ride before we hit the smooth tarmac!
But I’m here for the long run.
@acamp not sure if Alex is the right person to tag, but why aren’t GGP shares available to trade on FT?
If you’re going to be a serious share trading platform, issues like this need addressing.
It is a bit annoying.
@acamp what if the price was tanking and people were desperate to sell? When other platforms have been trading this share since opening bell, FT could be responsible for people losing a lot more than they needed to.
Someone’s dropped the ball here, or the systems and procedures aren’t as good as they should be.
The price has just updated but the buy sell buttons don’t work which is annoying especially as freetrade don’t have the ability to let people buy on primary bid if they wished to.
@acamp and the response from your ‘contact us’ page wasn’t particularly helpful or positive, although I get the impression that the person I was dealing with hasn’t had much training in how to handle the more negative side of things. Quite a defensive, guarded (we can’t let you know our internal workings) type response, and dropping the ‘make a formal complaint if you want to’ bomb far too soon.
Hope that feedback is taken in the spirit intended.
Ouch wish I had t looked guess someone needs to click a button and turn it on nothing I can do now
Which would have softened the blow for long term investors
Once the 4.8p placement is filled for retail buyer I believe it should start to go back up I’m hoping this is the start of something big just my opinion not advise.
Agree sure we will be happy in a year or so just would have been slightly richer
They say you only know how good your car insurance is when you have an accident perhaps you can only judge your share broker when a share is available on their system but you can’t trade it but everywhere else people can.
Buy and sell button now available finally only 50 minutes late.
Just reading up on the deal - overall seems they striked a good deal, but I am concerned with Newmont having such a large number of shares which they will no dount dump on the market at earliest opportunity.
I sold my GGP shares around 30p and now thinking it could be a good time to buy back in.
I thought maybe they took a % of shares to push the deal through, but also agree that they will likely sell which will likely cause a big hit at some point.
I bought in a few weeks ago so have just been able to add. Will settle an find its stable price eventually
After increasing my holdings at around the 5p mark I am now back to even with considerable more shares. Hopefully there are tonnes of gold in the ground in the mine.
Also possible that Newmont will keep the shares to maintain a modicum of interest in the progress of GGP.
Not certain they’ll dump the shares at all.
But what do I know.
Good increase in sp today - hope it continues.
More good news.
Back to the pre takeover price. On we go
What every investor had been waiting for (And Master Investor has been cautioning about) has finally arrived. Greatland Gold, a minnow listed in London – still only 5 years old – has acquired from mining major Newmont Corp total control one of the largest recent and best grade gold and copper finds in Australia, along with an already operating facility to treat its ore. Not only that, but it has become poised to reap £millions in income in only a few months time.
So why (as MI had predicted) has the share price gone all wrong. And why do we think it will stay wrong – for a time, anyway.
One step closer to takeover. Telfer running for 14 days continuously, which was a stipulation in place (Newmont have been in control of thst) Dot the i’s an t’s left to do for completion early December. Hopefully start earning income off telfer 2025.