How to buy whole shares and not fractional

Shill alert.

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Being able to do both fractional and whole would be even better than just fractions! And shouldn’t be much extra complexity surely ? The Real difficulty comes from having to apportion orders for fractional shares with the buying of real shares from the market.

Can someone from the FreeTrade team answer me this please?

I buy £1000 of a £3000 stock, then later spend another £2001 to make sure I have 1.001 stock as we’re currently forced to do (still can’t find a way to buy ‘1 share’).

If Freetrade doesn’t succeed in the future in the way we hope it does (worst case scenario goes bankrupt), do I own a whole easily tradeable share or 1/3 of a share and 2/3 fractions of a share, which Investopedia describes as such:

“Typically, fractional shares aren’t available from the stock market, and while they have value to investors, they are also difficult to sell.”

I think it’s really important to know, especially if you’re continuing to force people to buy fractionals rather than whole shares, as seems to be the only option on my phone.


This is on the roadmap at the moment

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Also this has been answered further up the thread i presume, - goes back to a suggestion i made elsewhere that answers to FAQ’s like this need to be prominent somewhere on the forum.

In short, once you reach a full share, its a full share and can be sold as such. The only fractions you will have are those that do not make up a full share; these are the ones that may be a bit more tricky to liquidate.

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