How you like to analyse your portfolio? And why?

Hey, I am doing a UX case study on optimising the layout of the portfolio and insights tab in Freetrade. I have already conducted a short survey and would now like to know why you value being able to easily understand and analyse the structure and growth of your portfolios! :slight_smile: Thanks! I will share the results of the case study when im finished.

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This might sound like a strange design suggestion, but what does everyone think about having individual interchangeable progress graphs; representing the sectors, as shown in Freetarde insights? Seeing a separate graphs could make it easier to track sector progress, rather than just the sector percentage portfolio breakdown. Not sure if this is needed/wanted and/or just adding more UX work. :person_shrugging:


I don’t think this sounds like a strange suggestion at all, in fact I’d be for it. Of course, FT currently has bigger fish to fry currently but what you suggested definitely sounds like an interesting tool / insight that I would look forward to and could be a good FT Plus feature.

I am not really sure I understand the original question posted though. Why do I want to be able to easily understand my portfolio? If I look at my bank account I don’t want to have to solve quadratic equations to know how much is in there, so being able to understand anything easily and at a glance is a positive. Can you rephrase it / what’s your aim? (Not trying to be difficult I just genuinely don’t know how to answer your question)

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Hi Koni, I’ve rephrased the question so it makes a bit more sense!

As a minimum, the portfolio analysis required is the reporting suite offered by Trading212 - net bank transactions, dividends, realised & unrealised gains/losses.

As a significant improvement on your competitor Free commission apps - Revolut, Stake, eToro (,Robinhood?) et al - then Insights shd provide a portfolio X-Ray ie by region, sector, stock (not just 100% ETFs which is pointless).

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I wouldn’t call it “analyse”, I’d call it “glance” and I would say it doesnt provide a lot of slicing options to look at.
I don’t think I clicked “insights” tab more than once.

Funnily I usually look at yahoo finance app to see how my portfolio is doing today.


I want to be able to see the growth of my investments without my deposits interfering. Show me the £ and % gain over different time periods. The current graph is ruined when you deposit any significant amount of money, especially if you deposit regularly.


I’d like annotations on the portfolio graph of individual shares to easily see when I bought and sold a particular share.


Hi Hannah, as a bit of a noob to trading and FT, I find myself glancing at the ‘Portfolio’ tab a lot - perhaps a bit too often… As there is a fair amount of US stock in my portfolio, I can see the £value of the portfolio and individual stocks bounce up and down because of the currency rate change (rather than a change in stock price). I would value a ‘Latest FX’ somewhere at the top of that tab. I accept this it’s not really ‘analysis’, but useful nonetheless.
I caveat this suggestion with the fact that I am relatively new to this and it may be I’m focussing on a number that decreases in importance with more experience.


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