Introducing annual subscriptions and pricing changes

I got the communication about annual subscriptions and that you can select ā€˜manage your planā€™ and change your billing cycle.

Anyone else not seeing the option to change billing cycle? (Iā€™m on Android)


Anyone else get the message telling them that they can now do yearly subscription? Then when you go to ā€˜manage your accountā€™, thereā€™s no option! Just messaged them and they have replied stating that they know there is an issue and they are looking into it. Surely you make sure itā€™s working before you send the message out. Even a 5 year old, knows that, never mind a company that is looking after a lot of my money :flushed:.



Yeah, Iā€™ve had it as well.

Weā€™ll probably need to wait for the updated version of the app to become available due to the way that Google Play staggers the updates.


Iā€™m on iOS App. (tried on iPhone and iPad)

Just had the notification about switching to Yearly billing schedule.
Tried to do it - got to the second screen where it shows the ā€œYour Plan Overviewā€

All correct so I check the checkbox for agreeing and the T&Cs but the ā€œConfirm Changeā€ button does not become active.

Iā€™m on the latest version of the app and did read the Terms and Conditions (opened in Chrome).

Has this worked for anyone else?

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Was just going to suggest this. Google play seems to stage updates over a period of time rather than all at once

Broken for me too

Did you update the app to the latest version? I had to do that manually before I could attempt it

Similar issue for me - no joy in changing to the annual billing schedule.
App all updated, but the same ā€˜Confirm changeā€™ problem!

Hi everyone! As some of you have seen, weā€™ve started to roll out annual subscriptions.

Weā€™re aware a few of you are currently encountering issues when trying to sign up. We should have a fix out in the next few hours before continuing to roll this out.

Keep your eyes peeled for further comms from us :eyes:


@MarcusClifford @sishbi @Muttonjeff; weā€™ve just shipped a fix to the continue button that seemed to be unresponsive for some users. Thanks for your patience, and the upgrade flow should be working for you now! :pray:

For others who may not see the option at all, the required app versions are 3.9.61 for iOS, and 1.0.34959 for Android. Apologies for any delay in accessing the above versions whilst the app stores work through the distribution, but most should be able to visit the app page directly to update.


Worked for me changed to annually thanks for this @Freetrade_Team im sure everyone who wanted this appreciates this


Presumably the plan change takes affect right away so I think Iā€™ll wait until the start of the month :smile:

Thatā€™s right @Eden; although any time remaining on your existing subscription will be refunded back to you as a credit against the new plan.


Thats sounds well thought out and fair.


Thanks for the update. It now works for me!

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Great to see! Thanks for confirming :slight_smile:


And I can confirm that the remaining for my monthly subscription was refunded back to me.


All good now, change confirmed - fix worked like dream! :+1:


Im still using Android version 1.0.34959 the app store is not offering me an update

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