Introducing pre-market trading! ☕️

Hey everyone,

We’ve launched pre-market trading :tada:!

Standard and Plus subscribers can now trade in the pre-market session from 9 AM to 2:30 PM GMT (4 AM to 9:30 AM ET), giving you more time to react to market-moving news in the US market. Please note that these timings will change as countries transition to and from daylight saving time.

Currently, pre-market trading is available for a select group of US stocks. You can find them in a dedicated Extended hours trading collection.

When trading outside normal market hours, it’s important to be aware of the risks involved, such as lower liquidity, higher volatility, and wider spreads compared to regular market hours. We’ve created an FAQ page to answer any questions you might have.

Freetrade Team

When you invest your capital is at risk, the value of your investments can go down as well as up and you may get back less than what you invest. Freetrade does not give investment advice and you are responsible for making your own investment decisions. If you are unsure about what is right for you, you should seek independent advice.


Oh Freetrade you tinkers! There’s always radio silence between updates and then you pull something like this out of the bag, what a great surprise!

Congratulations to @Viktor and the whole team for bringing this to Freetrade :cow::kiss:


Well, there’s no need to announce everything to competitors! :grin:

Pre-trading isn’t something I would use but some people were asking for it, so well done Freetrade for delivering.


Just tried to buy some TSLA as a test - says order will be placed at 3pm.

Nice addition and glad it’s not been introduced for Plus only :wink:


Is this supposed to be working for everyone now?
It’s a cool feature but I don’t have the Extended Hours Order type in my order mask.

Edit: it works now


Great news freetrade keep it up

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I also didn’t see this live yet until I updated my app. Now I can see the new pre-market features (plus a promise that after-market is also being worked on).

Just brought a fraction of Comcast today thanks to the pre-market trading feature. Thank you for bringing it to Freetrade! :peacock::sparkling_heart:


Great new feature! Well done Freetrade, keep them coming.


This is good for UK people who will be awake during premarket hours anyway, and can potentially react to news before the US has woken up properly. Low liquidity tho so I’d be a bit wary using it much


Can someone share a link of companies we can trande in extended hours? I can’t see the list in the link provided or I am blind?

EDIT: I found them when I logged into web version. Please add more stocks :pray:

This is Great News !!! :tada::balloon::tada::tada::beers::clinking_glasses: Well Done Freetrade.:blush: Congrats. to Everyone in the Freetrade Team.:slightly_smiling_face::+1::facepunch:

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Was able to buy a Tesla share just now from the web version. It looks like the android app doesn’t currently have the option to purchase pre-market shares

@Patryk excited to try this, any idea when it’s rolling out to android?


Strange, tried it on the web which signed me out on mobile, when I signed back in again it pre market suddenly appeared.

Hey! It’s available for both iOS and Android users. If it’s not working on your phone, try updating the app to the latest version – that should do the trick. Cheers

Thanks, I had the latest version, found I had to sign out and break in again

I’d be very careful trading pre / after market hours on a platform that does not quote both sides or otherwise disclose the spreads.


Is this working properly for anyone? Seemed to work for a few days and now just gets stuck on a weird graph. Example attached.

Hey @lizmcp , good spot - we’ve found a bug with our pricing following market holidays (and only after market holidays, not weekends etc.). We’re working on it with our pricing provider, but this will resolve itself for tomorrow’s pre-market session!