Investing from side business

Hi community,

I’ve got a limited business with extra cash in - how can I invest this money? All providers (freetrade/hargreaves landown) that I currently use don’t have the ability to create an account under a business. What is out there to facilitate this?

For context; I’m currently taking in maximum UK salary (50K) from a separate job so not best to withdraw the funds as a salary. I’m also already using up ISA allowance each month.

I can’t seem to find anything online about investing via a business acc. Any help appreciated.


I’d have a discussion with your accountant first as the accounting will become complicated with revaluing listed assets on the balance sheet and if the income generated makes the business an investment entity, the tax is different too.

HL used to do them for business but stopped just before Covid started.

Have you thought of making employer pension contribution from the limited into a SIPP? You can use carry forwards too.

Also HL do a SIPP that you can make employer contributions into. You just email then once made so they allocate correctly. You will need to register before hand so they know. Or you can set a monthly DD