ISA pricing sneak peak (finalised pricing in 2019: £3/month)

ISA also entails responsive customer service support and, most importantly, free trades.

If you could name one other broker than allows for free transactions with an ISA for £3 or less (without hidden fees), it would be great to take a look at them :slight_smile:

This would be part of the Alpha subscription for the US stocks for £10 per month (UK stocks are at 50p for now), and it will also cover the ISA.


I want ultimate unicorn sparkle power as a feature. I don’t even care what feature they give that name to


Isn’t it 50p per Instant Trade on ALPHA?

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Not for the US stocks, thanks, corrected.

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Hey Vlad are we referring to the amount per month for unlimited investments Or just trades made from your ISA per year and it’s total cost.
And also are we talking about the cost for holding the funds?

As if it’s the latter I would ask…

How much would you say the average free trader would invest per year?

Freetrade wins on price if it’s £3 per month for unlimited amount of shares bought.

Okay sorry really late, when is that coming out?

Plus instant trades on my app are still £1

How does one get ALPHA?

Hasn’t been launched yet


You can invest unlimited amounts with as many transactions as you wish. All costs pure £3 per month.

There is no custody cost for shares. The only charge is ETFs’ management fees, but that is nothing to do with Freetrade.

Everyone would be individual. I would think the average would be a few hundred or to the north of a thousand a year. Someone will do less, someone will do significantly more.

The beauty of Freetrade is that you are not facing to pay extortionate commissions if your transactions are of a low value. For instance, it is fine to pay £11.95 if you buy £10m at once, but not if you would like to invest £10.

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Totally I agree on that fact. If you have £10 to invest you shouldn’t pay extortionate rates.

That’s why I love the platform.


Thanks buddy!

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Can’t see if anyone has dropped the alpha price link yet so Compare our plans | Freetrade

No time scale I’ve seen yet


I guess we will soon find out how the ISA fee will be collected.
What are peoples preferences, collected from Freetrade account or collected from nominated bank account ?
I would prefer fees taken from my Freetrade account so i can easily work out how my portfolio is doing including fees.

I imagine it will be easier for them to take it from our Freetrade accounts. Is my preference as well

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Do you mean taken from cash in the account, or from selling units to cover the costs? Lots of pensions do the latter, but I’m not a fan of it.

I have my Vanguard account set up to do direct debit which I prefer. I don’t regularly check my account (since it’s just a a bunch of passive trackers) so I don’t need to worry about cash needing to be in the Vanguard account to cover it.


Taken from cash in the account John. Agree, also not a fan of selling units.


I second taking it from cash, but I guess if cash isn’t available they would have to sell units.

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I really hope that the account fee is taken via direct debit or the basic account cash, instead of an ISA. If one has maxed out ISA contributions, there is no way to add more money to it to pay for fees.

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If your investments pay dividend income, then I guess such income sitting in your ISA as cash would pay for the fees.

An alternative might be to only invest £19,964, leaving the £36 in cash to pay for the fees.

The issue is that I will then loose tax-free status on those £36 as they are then gone down the drain. As income/gains generated in the ISA remains tax-free in perpetuity.

Also, it is impossible to predict account price rises, dividend cuts, length of investment. What if I will hold ISA for 10 years?!

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