2022 ISA Suggestions for a ~£20K longterm portfolio with regular £350 deposits primarily into Funds, maybe also Trusts - Pick away. (Already have freetrade)
- T212
- OTHER (type below)
0 voters
2022 ISA Suggestions for a ~£20K longterm portfolio with regular £350 deposits primarily into Funds, maybe also Trusts - Pick away. (Already have freetrade)
0 voters
Well you wont be using funds or trusts on Invest Engine as they don’t do them.
Would you not need to know what funds you want to invest in before deciding what platform to use?
Quick question while this is topical. If you have multiple stocks and shares ISAs, obviously you can only contribute to one - but provided you follow that rule are they unrestricted to use?
As in, you can only add funds to one for the current ISA tax year, but you can trade within multiple?
That’s my understanding, yes. For example you could put £20k in HL 2 years ago, £20k in T212 last year, £20k in FT this year and activity trade in all of them.
Yes as long as you arent adding new funds to more than one in each tax year.
What are peoples 40% ‘other’ choices in the poll?
The 3:15 at kemptown - I know a guy
Fully aware of this but also appreciate the simplicity of the offering.
Yes, though the main 80% is quite generic related allocations so only the remaining 20% can be specific funds/trust. Done the poll as maybe two platforms are required, open one today and another tomorrow, you see?
I initially clicked ‘Other’, and had Vanguard in mind. But on the basis I don’t know which funds and if it is only funds I decided to change it to HL.
T212 also a good option for ETFs - probably the cheapest.
I wouldn’t fancy Invest Engine. Too new and unproven for serious cash.
Has anyone’s ISA allowance bar reset yet? Mine’s still showing that I’ve used all my allowance and I don’t want to risk a transfer in case it gets rejected
Your a day early @rjp … today is the last day of the year… tomorrow (6th) is the new year.
Someones eager to fill their allowance
Prepare yourself @rjp - we go in the morning (6th April)
You can trade inside an ISA that’s not been subscribed. You can re invest the dividends also.
You just have to wait a whole year to add new money from outside the ISA.
ISA accounts have now reset. Get topping up
With most of the markets going down at the min I’m waiting to do my topping up.
It is based on the cash you put in, so you could top up your account now with cash so that it’s there ready and waiting to be used instead of scrambling to get the money over once you’re ready to buy.
Mine has reset.
Today saw the first “best isa account for 2023” video. FT was mentioned but lost out to 212 in the category of “smaller investors”.
So what’s the opinion out there? Anyone new moving in from a different platform? Moving out of FT to different platform (few people swore on this during subscription change )?
what are your reason(s)?
While I’ll keep my existing Isa holdings with FT, I will be open a second Isa in the new tax year with another provider.
The reason is a lack of range on FT. There are a dozen or so investment trusts on my watchlist that are not available here and there are no signs they’ll be added anytime soon, unfortunately.