Kanabo Group - KNB - Share Chat

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I’m fed up with the Royal Mail going through my stuff :joy:

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Equating cannabis with tabacco is a rather pedestrian view and in terms of understanding both as a substance entirely misrepresents the former. But in terms of defining cannabis in legal terms, it is a useful point. They really ought to have looked harder for a spokesperson.

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Not sure what they are referring to when talking about weight loss, unless they have a new cannabinoid based formula to help with weight loss. So far the only experience I’ve had with cannabinoids is to stimulate the appetite.
They clearly think they have something, let’s hope it’s a tonic for the share price.

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They seemed quite confident in the weight loss potential didn’t they. First I’ve heard too.

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Intriguing isn’t it, maybe we are due an RNS :crossed_fingers:t2:

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Interesting we could be on to something major here. If these guys have produced a new vape product based on a sativa strain. Focusing on THCV so no need for a licence, the same as CBD

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I hadn’t considered treating obesity with cannabis until now but once you think about it it’s only logical, if you can treat all the co morbidities then why not the route cause, that’s the beauty of herbal medicine, you can treat mind and body.
So perhaps it’s a sativa strain with THC/ THCV/ CBD.
Some interesting reading.

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Interesting breakdown of stats on cannabis reform by political party. Shows Labour slightly ahead of the Tories. Yet Starmer is not entirely clear and has taken a hard line on decriminilisation before. Could be pandering to the wobbling Tory voter but entirely unuseful approach.

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It’s a great company with loads of potential but they need to realise something soon in terms of revenue boost otherwise it’s a steady decline in share price.
So much going on now globally in the medical cannabis market, hopefully a new government in the UK will bring better fortune.

Last trade today

May-24 16:27:39 1.65 303,030 Buy* 1.50 1.70 5,000 O

£5K for 300k shares


It is all there isnt it, from seed to pharmacy and the debt reduction is particularly pleasing. Im in a forgiving mood about the CE Mark situation. In my most cynical moments I feel as though the delay may be political. I wonder if the hold up would be the case if KNB was on the DAX and not the post Brexit LSE.

And again being charitable, LSE is the Typhoid Mary of the global stock market. Johnson, Truss, Sunak, inflation and now the uncertainty of a general election mean that I would surprised if we holders did not continue to take the proverbial haircut.

So until macro is cleaned up in the UK (and more geopolitical stability), and importantly, we have some clarity on the Labour position on cannabis, the LSE is going to nurse a headcold and we will continue to discuss discounts and drops.


Nice to see the market maturing, Portugal are way ahead in attitude to drug use in general and this is kind of progress you get from an industry not shackled by ignorance and prejudice.
Cannabis Rosin as a medical product, I might have to sign up for that, the finest way to consume cannabinoids.