Kanabo Group - KNB - Share Chat

Couple of decent buys, rest quite low

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That framework isn’t what was going to make or break KNB. It was just another route to market. If the framework wasn’t scrapped and KNB was on it, it still didn’t guarantee any sort of business. Just a catalogue of providers depending on the services an nhs organisation is after.

You can’t even search for names and certain terms. It’s definitely not the end of the world and nhs orgs are free to procure services outside of that proposed framework.


Posting this as it mentions vaping

:arrow_heading_up: CQC reports major increase in UK medical cannabis prescriptions—with new guidance for providers

In July the Care Quality Commission (CQC) reported a considerable 118% increase in prescriptions of unlicensed cannabis-based medicines between 2021 and 2023, with numbers continuing to rise by at least 100% annually. The Safer Management of Controlled Drugs report, published in July, also highlights a number of issues with current prescribing of cannabis-based medicines, suggesting that a ‘multi-agency review’ of the impact of the 2018 law change would be ‘beneficial’.

The regulator advised that providers, including clinics and pharmacies, should consider the following:

  • ensuring the product has been prescribed
  • how to support patients with ongoing supplies, if required
  • safe storage, records and appropriate authorised access, as with other Schedule 2 controlled drugs
  • appropriate training for staff if they are required to support with administration
  • the position on vaping, and the possible need to obtain prescribed alternatives where people are not able to vape
  • whether a risk assessment is required.
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Director buy yesterday. A sign of confidence or provide abit of cash or something by else ?


Nice late buy today, we have had a few of these lately. Someone quietly accumulating while not causing the SP to rise perhaps.

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That last buy went through at mid price, in order to do that the SP had a little rise then settled back otherwise it would have gone through as a buy.
Market makers have all the tricks.

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Just my thoughts but with the recent LinkedIn activity, Ian Mattioli and Suleman Sacranie buying relatively insignificant amounts of shares. Thus establishing the buy price and sending out a signal to buy.
I think we have had four buys around the 575K mark in the last week on mid with only a slight upward trend.

I think this is now a good buy for those who like a bit risk in their portfolio, just my opinion but I stopped believing in coincidence long ago.


Full ask paid on £500 trade, this will tick up soon.

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Pakistan to join the Party

Well all we need now is a bit of buying pressure and the price will move.
Trying to buy this morning but the mms have no share :+1:t2:

Appreciate you keeping the faith here Geoff. I think the positive case is that interest rate boost may be trickling down and/or good news is in the pipeline (even revenue, or maybe the mark… eventually).

It could be upward pressure ahead of a fundraise, which whilst not great for our portfolios we all know will need to happen. Less good news would be a share consilidation but either way these short linkedin clips showing the ceo confident of long term plan are very welcome.

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It just took me four trades to buy £1200 worth of KNB shares.
This has got to start moving up soon.


This is a strange one, I have personally used CBD to mitigate the effects of THC very effectively.
And their highest dose 450mg, in the UK we have been told 10mg is the highest daily dose recommended.
There is a lot of misinformation about cannabinoids coming from official sources.

For anyone not sure what to do this weekend and interested in learning about hemp and cannabis, Product Earth in London.

A study of 37 healthy people having abstained from cannabis for weeks before the study whose lifetime intake is minimal and infrequent with no history of psychotic disorders or conditions that could effect their sensitivity to pain.

I mean come on. It cleanly says the results were inconsistant. What did they expect? It baffles me why these studies and results are even published.

It also mentions the effect on metabolism but says nothing about each individuals diet or intake which could drastically alter the results.

It also says that where 10mg cbd did not significantly alter the effects of THC, 450mg did!!! I could literally curse at this point. OF COURSE 450MG IS GOING TO ALTER THE EFFECTS OF THE THC. These ‘professional’ people have probably never smoked a joint in their lives!!

Also bear in mind that when thc and cbd enters the bloodstream and to the brain, its going to effect different people in different ways depending on their tolerance levels, weight, blood groups, brain chemical make up and brain functions.

37 people is an absolute joke of a study. Its just used to brainwash the naive to continue to keep it a controlled substance.

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Very interesting to see how the industry is developing at product earth yesterday. Unfortunately it got shut down and cancelled for today.
So here is a petition for anyone who would like to see open access to medical cannabis

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I think we are doomed with 2 tier keir in charge if he is trying to ban smoking outside there is no chance he will legalise cannabis imo

Kanabo doesn’t need cannabis to be legal for recreational use, that’s just the obvious way forward for anyone serious about tackling drug related crime. For that we need a Green Party in government, so not likely anytime soon.
It does no harm to support those who campaign for change though.
What does need to happen is cannabis being made widely available on the NHS, now that would be a game changer here.

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