M&G plc - MNG

Be interesting to see what that ultimately means for my little investment. 1770 shares on the line with M&G

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Has anyoneā€™s dividend arrived?:sob:

Mine is in my account but not on the activity feed and I havent had an email about it yet.

Hi Roger, mine has just arrived into my account, assuming email will follow :grinning:

My confirmation email dropped about 5.45 this evening.

Dividend too be paid on the 3rd November, 6.5 per share

Come on freetrade, dividends were paid on the 3rd!

I was thinking the same.

Mine has arrived, arrived within the last 5 minutes.

As has mine now.
I find with it being late, those reinvesting push sp up a little more, so with FT being late paying, we then buy at higher prices.
Iā€™m a long term investor so will average out, but irritating nonetheless

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Iā€™m new here and not invested in these yet. Have been advised today, that these shares are a good buy for a long term investment. What are your opinions?

@FireAnt Not investment advise, just my own observationsā€¦
Iā€™ve owned M&G since Feb 2022. I started with a modest Ā£125 which bought me 58 shares.
I had read that they were good to buy and keep long term. Iā€™ve bought a few more along the way and reinvested all dividends straight back and now own 297 shares at an average of Ā£2.05 (Iā€™m in the red by 0.5% or Ā£3.04 - Iā€™m happy with that)
Since 2022 Iā€™ve earned Ā£101.45 in dividends including tomorrowā€™s Ā£36.70, the largest so far, which I reinvested last week when they dipped to Ā£1.97.
These are a long term hold, for me at least. I hope they will form part of my retirement plan.


A pleasant surprise, my dividend arrived on the day MnG paid itā€¦(09/05/24)