Media request: Any 18-25 year olds investing to pay for Uni?

Hi everyone,

I’m working on collecting a couple of case studies that we can reach out to the media with, and we’d love to highlight young investors who are investing for things like Uni or school fees.

If you’re 18-25, you’re investing to help pay Uni or education costs, and you’d be happy to share some details about yourself, do please drop me a line ( I’d love to hear from you and find out a bit more about your investing journey and goals. Bear in mind that any journalists interested would likely want to use your name and age (although it’s not always a dealbreaker, so let me know if you’d rather not share that info).

Thank you!



Hopefully not too many people investing in the short term to try to pay for school or uni as it can be very tricky to invest for a return on a relatively short timeline!

Not an advisor, but I would have personally been saving up cash in an interest account if I was saving for 1-2 years for uni. For investing, I’d be looking at a longer timeline of 5-10 years.


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