Media requests x2: Retirement plans and the pandemic + SIPP/ISA transfers to Freetrade

Hi all!

I’m working with two journalists on a couple of articles about Freetrade and reasons why people have chosen us over other platforms on the market.

There are two types of people I’m looking to speak with:

  1. I’m looking to chat with anyone who might have had to alter their retirement plans as a result of the pandemic; ideally you’ve got a SIPP with Freetrade, but it’s not essential.

  2. I’m looking for anyone who transferred their ISA/SIPP from another platform to benefit from our lower costs.

If you fit for either of those above topics, drop me a DM here with a few more details and we can take it from there!



I might be altering my retirement plans as a result of the September crowdfund raise :+1::unicorn::partying_face:


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