SIPP customer request: Talking about your Freetrade SIPP

Hi everyone :wave:

I am looking to speak to one of our SIPP customers about their pension transfer process, how they found it, how long it took and how they are investing in their SIPP to prepare for retirement (outside of investing in Freetrade, of course!).

The Daily Telegraph are keen to feature a Freetrade SIPP customer in their upcoming feature.

If you have a SIPP with us and are happy to speak to the media about your investing for retirement, get in touch with me at


You sent that to all and not reply to who sent you the message :+1:

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Hi @Stalwar my SIPP transfer completed today so if you need anyone in the future I’m happy to help out.

I can’t speak highly enough of @Kaisha - with hard work and constant chasing the transfer happened so much faster than otherwise.

Just going to tag a few people in to make sure that @Kaisha gets all the fist bumps and high fives she deserves

@adam @Viktor @nickfell @Gemhappe @Freetrade_Team @mynameisgeraint


Hey Neil, that’s great news. I’m glad @Kaisha was helpful, will pass on the feedback!

One of us will be in touch about discussing the process and conversations with the media, thanks for helping us out with it.


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