Dec cheap at minute compared to last month
What do you mean impossible to check @Big-g
Surely it’s got name on it in activity list if that’s what you mean?
No that is the point, There are multiple companies with same name on the activity list. For some reason they do not use the company symbol or Ticker.
As I said an example is “City of London” as it appears only in the activity feed can mean a couple different City of London stocks. This could be £CLIG or £CTY and both come up as only “City of London” on the activity feed and do not show the pictures or tickers in the picture below you get elsewhere on the app…
The picture above is obviously not the activity feed version as this is very clear but the activity feed for dividends only show the word city of london.
Same with S&P which has a few it could be. Such a simple fix and crazy you have to go to another source to work out who it is from to add to your Excel to monitor your real performance.
Gotcha my friend yes agreed with that request
Your investing journey sounds exactly like my beginner fumbling into the investment world. July is best month so far, but only because of the massive Persimmon dividend of £155! Won’t get anywhere near that amount any other month this year. I also hold shares in both Jupiter and Centamin, have been averaging down in Centamin and am now averaging about 84p. Not buying more Jupiter though as have invested enough there already, my average I think is about £1.50. They both pay really good dividends as well.
Instead of just one stock dominating my portfolio, I’m trying to group them into sectors. For for example for fund management I’ve got Jupiter, Phoenix and Polar Capital; for mining I’ve got Centamin and Central Asia Metals and for Insurance, etc I’ve got Admiral, Aviva and Legal & General.
If you’re wary of oil & gas, consider utitlities - e.g. National Grid.
EDIT: forgot to say, your comment “sold some duds” made me laugh as I fell for that “get rich quick” trap that this forum says new investors always fall into by buying penny stocks and hoping they make huge gains. Some of my penny stocks have been worth keeping but unfortunately there were a lot of duds as well!
Although I agree with you Big-g, I do keep them on an Excel spread sheet anyway. I don’t find how they display on the ticker very useful because, unlike the email, they don’t show you how many shares or what the dividend was per share, tax withheld or anything at all. I think that is something they should change as well as having dividends appear under the stock information in the app just like purchases and sales do.
Mind you, there are a lot of things that the app should do that it doesn’t, such as allow you to sort in alphabetical order or even search by dividend yield and other criteria.
100% agree! I wouldn’t change the use of Excel as I need to know my actual value of investment after dividends etc and the app doesn’t give the best view of that.
Also use to filter and decide what to invest in next month across my other platforms. Would love to have the tools available on FT but doubt it will happen and TBF nowhere seems to provide them so will alway value that excel sheet over graphs on a app.
1 anrs, yeah bought some get rich/ poor stocks, also bought Topps Tiles and as above the oil one. That was a lucky get a good divident by accident one. It also helped that its value shot up when the monthly div was announced. Had some right dogs in the dud heap. PHE dropped in total about 8 p but I sold way before its current 1.7p bottom, the theory is sound, turning waste plastic into hydrogen for fuel, it just remains untested until they get a plant up and running. The rest I can’t remember, or don’t want to…
You cant have too many positions, spread the risk
Reckon I’m the Kama Sutra of Freetrade!
Apologies if this has been asked already. Does anyone know of or have a link for a good site to see ex–dividend dates, dividend history etc? especially for North American stocks as I have seen and use the one linked by @weenie a while ago for LSE listed companies.
DividendMax is usually recommended.
Freetrade will improve this feature to show the details in the app so don’t commit to paying any money.
7 posts were merged into an existing topic: MEGATHREAD: Freetrade Plus :plus_:
I, along with others, have been waiting for a GKP dividend that was paid a week last Friday (15th July), and still no sign of it. Another GKP divi is due this coming Friday.
My question is this; have there been similar delays with any other company dividends that were due last week?
Yes, I haven’t had any div’s yet for July
Interesting. I got my other July dividends ok up until the GKP one.
Wonder what the problem is? Hopefully nothing too concerning.
GKP dividend has now been added to my account balance, although doesn’t appear in my activity trail nor have I received official notification.
At least it’s arrived now