Megathread - 🔥 Dividend Fest 🔥

Let’s get some positivity back in this dividend fest chat.

As always, the data below is not to boast but to encourage people to invest consistently for long-term goals

September 2022 boom for dividends (and due about £45 today).

For you dividend investors, keep going. My dividends in September 2020 were £9.61, 2021 £53.07 and now currently £163.06 but will rise to over £200.

Total dividend for 2020 was £44.99.
For 2021 it was £227.90 (a 405.56% increase).
For 2022 it is currently £598.96 (a 162.82% increase so far).

  • Portfolio currently sits around £24,000 and I invest £550 per month.
  • Portfolio is currently ~£2400 in the green.

Keep up the good work dividend festers :sunglasses:



Nobody enjoys read of writing the “pft my XXX dividend hasn’t arrived yet” posts, can we limit these post to only when Freetrade have breached their stated 5 working days for payment.


Original reason for this topic was for dividend investors to celebrate dividends and encourage others. Brilliantly created by @RumNCoke - the thread has been hijacked recently but the fight to bring it back is on :star_struck:


I always like your posts and especially your graphs. Very encouraging. Unfortunately I’m not in a position at the moment to contribute anything monthly to the ISA, never mind £550 but my principle sum is around the same as yours. I’m re-investing the dividends I do receive so hopefully will also see growth in dividend payments, albeit at a much slower pace than yours.


Still moving in the right direction and anything is better than nothing, even with just reinvesting dividends.

Don’t overstretch your finances, just invest when you can :smiley: :+1:

Glad the graphs etc are encouraging, I’ll keep them up :smiley:


Couldn’t have said it better myself Neil. Just to add to that, if your dividends haven’t arrived within the SLA, raise this with FT support not in this forum.


I sort of agree but when people started noting the slowness of some dividend payments freetrade have reacted and are getting payments back in to an acceptable time frame. Who knows if the same efforts would have been made without the issue being raised on a public forum.


@Roger I agree with you. I am glad that people can complain (and credit to Freetrade that it can be done here in public). I have to say that I find it irksome myself when people go on and on with “Have you received X dividend yet” messages (and this is long before the recent late payment issues). But frankly, that is my problem not the problem of the poster(s). All posters have the right to expect a very high standard of service from Freetrade and every other entity that they engage with. The posters should bear in mind the official stated standards of performance. You are 100% right the issue should be raised on the public forum.

This thread is not just about dividends people have received. The Topic post is an amalgamation of many different Topics over many years related to dividends. Please keep posting people on whatever you feel is relevant to dividends. But yes, employ a double strategy when you are not happy: please please also ping It is important that problems are recorded … many things will not get done without this.


OK then, just to compensate for my response to a “have you received…” question, I’ve received £1950 over the past year from a £30k portfolio. The growth has been slow but the income is helping to fill the gap between early retirement and state pension.


Good stuff, you are way ahead of me but hopefully I will see £1950 one year :sunglasses: :+1:


Me too. £2,000 per year would also make the ISA definitely worthwhile since that is the level where dividends start being taxed.

Trying to look at positives is quite hard at the moment I find, especially with all the external economic doom and gloom, but I try to tell myself this. I know it’s not as much as some and I had a head start with a Halifax ISA that I transferred in but from April to end September, my dividend total will be over £700. Not too shabby for a first year of active investing I think.


That’s super impressive so should definitely be reassuring - especially when investing in such turbulent markets - as mentioned above my first year was below £50, so yours definitely trumps that!

It is economic doom and gloom at the moment, make sure you keep an emergency budget for any hiccups that may come to your life and try keep that portfolio untouched + add to it when you can.

I’m going to keep an eye out for your name in this topic as I know you will hit that £2,000 goal sometime in the future, either through dividend reinvestments or additional deposits when you are able to. When you do hit that goal make sure you post it in here and I’ll celebrate for you :beers:


So far this month I’ve had £50 from PBR, 25 from I3E (monthly div) a fiver from DEC ( quarterly div) and at some point today the holding company that keeps my Breedon SAYE shares will be adding 70 quids worth of re invested dividend back into the acc as shares. Not a bad month all in all.

Addition… Just received my PBR div, was paid on 28th got it today. Good going FT all my divs in last few days have been same or next day


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feature Request] Dividend Calendar :dollar: :calendar:

Yes sure.

It’s moments like this I like


I am seeing if I can gain £10/month on dibs alone. Let’s just say this one with countless other payouts means I’ve secured September for this year lol.

Of course there will be stretch goals like £15, £25 etc


Me too! £10 a month as an average over the year is my goal too.
I think I’m there now, so I’m moving on to £20 per month now.


On March, June, September and Dec I’m getting more than £30 without trying. I am likely bagging £10/month across all months and will keep the snowball effect rolling


I think once my Aviva dividends come through I’m over £100 worth of dividends since Jan 1st. And still a few more to pay out till Christmas:-). Reinvesting everything and topping up as I can as well. Portfolio in the red but looking for long term dividends holds so hopefully in 10-20years be back in the green :slight_smile:


September was my first month of over £20 received for the month. Should average £15 a month this year up from £2.61 average a month last year.
My target next year is average £25 a month


Glad to say I have smashed through my last year’s record dividend payments, Still have 3 months of the year to go!

Although my portfolio is currently at an all-time low, I’m not phased as I’m in it for the long run!

Good luck all,

Roughly £69 a month