Megathread - 🔥 Dividend Fest 🔥

Hi @Bob1

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and update regarding Barclays.

I think that banks in general are under pressure and Barclays has been plagued with negative press and regulatory fines, it seems never ending. I hold a small percentage of my portfolio in Barclays and have decided to top up during this downturn, as I do think we will see it recover longer term. I don’t follow the herd, but interestingly it was the 2nd most purchased stock this week on another broker platform, so reassuring to know I’m not the only one :slightly_smiling_face: Time will tell.


Hi, I’ve pressed on the above link but can’t find any way to set up a free account. Is it still available ?

For dividenddata


I’m so sorry, I got my websites mixed up. The one I use to notify me of dividends with free account is DividendMax - notifications, declarations, forecasts and tools for UK private investors

Apologies for any confusion!


Ah thanks, I’m on dividendmax already.
I need to update my share totals :grimacing:

Im definitely not making a call on Barclays future. I saw reasons to buy it in the first place.

I just decided I would rather invest elsewhere, but it definitely could and likely will prove to be a good long term hold.

Wish you every success.

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Where do you see data thst allowes you to see the most bought stocks etc :slight_smile: that would be interesting to look at.

Not sure if this will be flagged but I sometimes refer to this link as it also shows top ETFs by day and week - Top buys and sells | AJ Bell

As I said above I don’t follow just because they are top buys, I decide myself and then check to see if they appear here.


Sorry @NeilB , what do you mean by pegged against VWRL?

I am currently outperforming VWRL if that’s what you mean? Or are you looking at some sort of monthly metric? If you can clear this up i’ll try retrospectively peg my portfolio data against a low cost index fund :grinning::+1:



ISA divis for October:


[Context - Portfolio size around £63k, been investing since 2015 ]

Share prices continue to get hammered (hence drop in value of portfolio, was £66k last month) but dividends still rolling in, which is what counts for me, for this dividend income portfolio.

Most dividends this month were re-invested in the same stock that paid out

Progression over the years:



Nice work Weenie.

I guess in the years when stock prices slip, provided its within reason and not every year, it gives you the opportunity to reinvest the dividends at better value, increasing the overall dividend benefit in future years.


Amazing progress, top work…

Here’s hoping you hit that 4k in 2023.


It would be neat if FT provided a graph like weenie posted above to track dividend payments.

I assume you’ve made that yourself weenie ?


Yes, it’s just something I’ve created from Google docs, which I manually update.

If I have time, I could probably isolate it into a separate doc and share if people are interested. Would need to make it user friendly as I’m not sure anyone would understand it (but me) in its current format :laughing:


It may be useful to others but I don’t have a computer or any computer skills :rofl:
I do everything on my phone and probably only know about 20% of what that can do, I missed the technology boat.


That’s like my spreadsheet it’s many sheets all meshed into one over a space of over 10 years, changed anc changed.

I actully sat for 2 hours around 4am chilling remaking my main page getting rid of stuff I don’t need and adding new stuff I want, changing colors etc etc

You get excel and every other package free on phones :slight_smile:

Don’t worry mostly everything I learned I just done myself you don’t need college or school to teach.

Infact there’s more courses and information on YouTube than there ever has been. 12 hour courses in Excel. C. Python. Algebra. Economics. Accounting. Supply chain movement etc

There’s just everything now a days it’s magic


October dividends have now come in. Really happy with this. Received £60.52 which smashed October 2022.

Dividends are still going in the right direction:

And many of my stocks are now on course to paying back relative to my initial investment:

2023 total dividends currently stand at £716.36 which has almost surpassed 2022 at £732.36.

£26,921.18 portfolio. Typically invest £550 per month but have not for 3 months due to house renovation costs. Portfolio is up £2,921.18 and time weighted rate of return is +13.61% (since April 2021). VWRL is up 9.42% for the same period.


Oh, and here are my holdings (bubble size relative to investment amount) - provided by StockEvents :slight_smile:


Barrat Dev dividend paid today and FT have delivered already. A lot better with the timing of payments