You never directly pay them they are In The share price
As @henners21 said and I have mentioned already, you do not pay the ongoing charges of a REIT like SUPR because the fees are already included in the share price.
This is different from a stock like LGEN, where it does not have its own ongoing charges; the only charges would be the platform fees which Freetrade (and any other broker) would charge.
Individual company stocks do not have their own ongoing charges; REITs, investment trusts and ETFs however, have ongoing charges and in all these cases, the charges are included in the share price, you do not pay them as a separate fee.
Has anyone received their VUSA dividend for June, yet?
Thank you @weenie @Henners21 !
ISA Dividends for July
[Context - Portfolio size around £72k, been investing since 2015]
As most would have seen, share prices were up this month - portfolio was £70k last month and I only added extra £120 capital and reinvested dividends.
Average yield for the portfolio is now running at around 6%.
Progression over the years:
Hope you all had a great dividend month for July!
July Dividends:
- GLAD £19.74
- GOOD £17.72
- FSK £7.84
- FSK £83.70
Total: £129.00
Getting closer to the target of £200 monthly average,
No need to rush, some rebalancing is needed and gets priority.
In his last video, Ramin Nakisa deep dives into high dividend yield funds (here)
He is openly biased against high dividend stocks during the accumulation period, for some very good reasons. However, there are dividend investors able to beat the market and they are incredibly popular on US platforms like Seeking Alpha.
Any thoughts on Ramin’s recommendations?
1st category: High Dividend Yield Stock Funds. At present, I prefer to invest directly in a few individual high income stocks, so I’ve added the funds to my low priority wishlist for future consideration (6-12 months).
2nd category: Real Estate and Infrastructure Funds. I own some small UKW and SUPR positions that I’m willing to grow. All the other funds are interesting and on wishlist (especially TRIG).
I’ve never seriously considered the last 3 categories, something to look into:
3rd category: High Yield Corporate Bonds.
4th category: Emerging Market Sovereign Bonds.
5th category: Covered Call Funds.
Only invested in 2nd category (real estate and infrastructure investment trusts), one ETF (IUKD), rest in individual stocks.
Not really interested in any other categories which are mentioned, other than the covered calls ETF, which I didn’t even know existed.
Might buy a few to see how they go, even though I wasn’t intending to add any new holdings!
Some suggestions
Seeking Alpha allows to access and easily compare and export a huge amount of indicators. This is particularly valuable for dividend investors focusing on NYSE and NASDAQ (IMHO). Without subscribing any of their plans, just by signing up for free.
Some of Seeking Alpha analysts are very active on youtube, I personally follow 3 of them Jussi Askola (mainly REITs), Mark Roussin, and Samuel Smith (dividend stocks). All of them regularly analyse individual dividend stocks and relevant trends.
Measure volatility is no joke, I use various variants of Beta on Yahoo Finance and Seeking Alpha. Happy to share the little knowledge I have and learn more.
ISA divis for August
[Context - Portfolio size around £73k, been investing since 2015]
Average yield currently running at around 5.9%
Progression over the years:
Have included my annual dividend target in the graph. Where did I get this number? It’s 5% more than what I got last year.
Hope everyone had a good dividend month!
Any thoughts on replacement for BCPT?
This is one of my fave topics I love watching all your grows. Even though I don’t div invest I do have a few that give.
Its nice though to see what kind of cash you get on a monthly basics given a portfolio size.
Only just gotten round to reading the announcement. I’m not sure - the easiest would be to split funds across some of my existing holdings.
Or I may search for another investment which pays a monthly income like BCPT. Need to do some research!
Maybe have a look at SMIF, I hold that IT and it is monthly paying. Going to check out SDIV (ETF) too. BCPT is one of my major holdings currently.
How about Realty Income ?
Yes, I’ll probably look at SMIF again I think, can’t remember the reasons why I didn’t invest in it originally.
I might also do some research on that Nasdaq 100 Covered Call ETF (QYLP) which also pays monthly - it would be something different in my income portfolio.
I did have this a while back, when this stock first became available on the app but I decided in the end that I didn’t want US stocks in my income portfolio as I didn’t want to pay tax on the dividends.
If you’re looking for a monthly payer, have a look at SDIP