Mobileye Global Inc - MBLY - Share chat

This firm is Intel’s assisted-driving and self-driving systems unit. It develops and deploys advanced driver assistance systems (‚ÄúADAS‚Äù) and autonomous driving technologies and solutions.

:thinking: :shushing_face:



What is going on :thinking:


End of play … see what monday brings
It’s not a huge position but
YOLO :face_with_monocle:

@BlueSonic - who are you using to trade call options on MBLY please? My current broker - IG doesn’t seem to have them available.

I use IBKR , we seriously need more brokers in the uk to offer option trading.

IBKR is the only option for UK investors :innocent:
Im really hoping Robinhood and T212 sort theirs out soon

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The folks at IG have been keeping busy and they have a new product in the pipeline for options and futures: US-listed Options and Futures Account – Trade On Exchange - IG UK


Brought 1 more. That’s it. I’m skint :rofl:

I lied. I wasn’t skint. I brought a few more. :sunglasses:

Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 18.44.26
nothing to see here, its all fine … :rofl:

new director who is the former U.S. Secretary of Transportation & U.S. Secretary of Labor. She’s Mitch McConnell’s wife too (Minority Leader of the US Senate)

insider buying

2 with a 98% loss… its fine !!! :rofl:
Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 18.07.47

AI that can drive itself :heart_eyes:

The future

What’s going off ? Not a lot


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