This firm is Intel’s assisted-driving and self-driving systems unit. It develops and deploys advanced driver assistance systems (‚ÄúADAS‚Äù) and autonomous driving technologies and solutions.
@BlueSonic - who are you using to trade call options on MBLY please? My current broker - IG doesn’t seem to have them available.
I use IBKR , we seriously need more brokers in the uk to offer option trading.
IBKR is the only option for UK investors
Im really hoping Robinhood and T212 sort theirs out soon
The folks at IG have been keeping busy and they have a new product in the pipeline for options and futures: US-listed Options and Futures Account – Trade On Exchange - IG UK
nothing to see here, its all fine …
new director who is the former U.S. Secretary of Transportation & U.S. Secretary of Labor. She’s Mitch McConnell’s wife too (Minority Leader of the US Senate)
insider buying
2 with a 98% loss… its fine !!!
AI that can drive itself