Moderna Inc 🧬 💉 (MRNA)

Could you not get a vaccine then in a few years time be exposed to something (antigen) that triggers the immune response that has detrimental side effects such as a cytokine storm? It’s very hard to say as we still don’t know that much. I’m just being argumentative. I like vaccines.

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Well, you are not wrong, but technically the effect was immediate and just triggered later. :smiley:

We know enough. Vaccines have been around for more than 200 years. I don’t know where the notion comes from that vaccines are not safe, but it’s extremely dangerous that vaccines have now been so politicised for no reason.

No worries, someone playing Devil’s Advocate is needed more often than not.

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Yes I agree with you it best to stick to facts and keep the discussion to the stock.

For the record mRNA was ready for this challenge because of several decades of research and innovation. Where mRNA technology goes forward: we will see when the appropriate trials and advances in science are published.

What happens going forward with this stock is a heady picture of commercial realities and company management.

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I meant that tongue in cheek. I should have used a smiley. I should add that I am fully vaccinated!

I understand that there was concern about mRNA causing systemic reactions and that is the reason that the dose is split in 2?

Check out how many MMR jabs you need.

Let us try to stay on topic here please.

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Doses are split in two or more because it’s a vaccine strategy called “prime boost” to achieve a higher long term immune response.


pretty sure that isnt a u turn - didnt they say at the outset that they wouldnt be enforcing patents

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During the pandemic only I believe. Worth mentioning I think BionTech also announced some microfactories/JV projects for low income countries too.

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What’s with the big jump today?

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Earnings were released yesterday.


Positive phase 3 results for the RSV vaccine. Hope that brings a filip

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