Monzo Crowdfunding 2018

If youā€™ve got the maximum shares so far youā€™ll have 1949 from the first round, 995 from the second and 434 from the third. In this new round you can buy 259 if you use up the Ā£2000 allowance. The only question to answer is, do you think the price will go up from 7.71 or not. If the answer is yet then buy more.

For what itā€™s worth, there is a version of the future where Monzo gets 10 times bigger. Thereā€™s also a version where it all goes wrong. Iā€™m betting on the former and am going all in again!


Donā€™t think that makes any difference to the decision now. It is just what other places can I invest the money and would they generate a higher return. Personally have great faith in Monzo and donā€™t see any other better investments out there.

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Itā€™s a shame that the growth slows down but equally my confidence has gone up. Itā€™s the same with Brewdog. Those early investors got crazy returns and now the growth rate inevitably slows.

When I look at my portfolio of startups it looks more like a betting slip than an investment portfolio. In many respects Iā€™m more comfortable with a less risky low return moving forward.


I suppose you should think of each investment round in its own right, personally I also think Monzo has a lot of growth room.

Just interested to hear peoples opinion as I am eligible for this round.


After 4 1/2 hours itā€™s going well :grin:

No rush at this stage, all the existing investors know theyā€™ll be able to invest the maximum if they want. Wednesday is when it gets interesting for the rest of us :grimacing:



Joe Carter from the Monzo community set up a dashboard earlier to track the progress of this round & Iā€™ve added a couple of bits to it this evening.

Thereā€™s still a long way to go to get to the 20M (but obviously the roundā€™s only open to existing investors at the moment)..




Now, that dashboard will keep me happy. :smiley: I agree with @Rat_au_van, Wednesday is when the fun start.

I will definitely be taking advantage of the the crowdfunding. Mainly as a user and believer in Monzo. It may all work out, it may not. :slight_smile:


Is it me or is the crowdfunding so far going pretty slowly? :thinking:

I know itā€™s open to existing investors only but I would have expected things to be moving much faster.

I think Freetrade did better in 24hā€¦


It might all happen at 9.59 tomorrow morning.

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I did think it would be a lot more but itā€™s almost Christmas and the shares are 3x the price of the last round. Also all the problem with COps waiting times at the moment make some wonder how theyā€™re going to scale.


I think itā€™s about as expected for me. There were only around 7k total existing investors and not all are going to participate, especially when they see how many shares theyā€™ll get compared to previous investments (shouldnā€™t have an impact, but I suspect it will - I was a little shocked how much the price has grown). Last round (late 2017) only had half investors take up their option to buy more. The interesting bit will come when anyone can invest, Iā€™m really interested to see how much impact having it in-app will have - with notifications in peopleā€™s feeds thatā€™s going to reach a lot more people, however I guess most would be in the Ā£20-Ā£100 range.

Iā€™m still skeptical they can reach Ā£20m, but even Ā£15m invested by existing customers would be great for building their brand loyalty I think - there is something about owning a piece of a company that makes people great ambassadors for it.

It would be really nice to see future Freetrade rounds done this way, without having to leave the app (even if crowdcube is used behind the scenes), or just to see existing freetrade shares within the app would be a nice touch I think either in profile or optionally in holdings.


I know that when the raise opens to the rest of monzo customers tomorrow they are limited to buy Ā£2000 worth of shares. That might be the case with existing investors too?

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It is, I think the time allocated for existing investors is why the uptake it slower so far.


This has been a large consideration when I have considered how much to spend. Sadly, I normally spend a bit more during Christmas time just like most people and I have had to limit myself on my budget for tomorrow.


Can Freetrade have similar dashboards for public access, of course when it is comfortable!

  • Number of active users, with iOS and Android
  • Number of trades done (if not revealing too much on revenue)
  • and any other interesting, like coffee cups consumed

Drop it in ideas. I can guarantee my vote :wink:


Seems like they will be done by the end of today:


About Ā£8million in 5mins. Obviously this will slow down throughout the day, still impressive though!

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