Monzo Crowdfunding 2018

They’ve done 11 million in the first 10 minutes, which is really impressive. So I now think you’re right and they’ll hit £20 million from their existing customers. Amazing!

The funny thing for Monzo is they don’t need this money and could have raised it elsewhere, but it must be comforting to see how many of their customers trust them enough to invest in their business.

Looks like fundraising in-app from customers was a good call, something Freetrade could consider for future rounds perhaps.


Got my investor flair in app instantly


It’s almost 15M

now… :laughing:

I’ve got to say, the investors app icon is a nice touch :star_struck:


Would love to see Freetrade do something similar on the next wave of Crowdfunding :crossed_fingers:


This raise should be good for crowdfunding in general, as loads of people who haven’t crowdfunded or even invested before will have got involved! :tada:


So impressive from Monzo


I’m very impressed, got to say I didn’t think they would hit their target. Probably get there by midday at this rate!

That’s true but have you seen the negative press in The Times and The Financial Times in the last couple of days? That’s as likely to set it back.

Perhaps a short term set back, but I think the general publicity could actually help them. Lots of people won’t have heard of them and there’ll be lots of positive news coming out in future. The recent negative articles will be forgotten if it continues to be successful…

92% funded now! :clap:

Been fascinating to watch how fast this has moved this morning!

I was a fool to underestimate them! :sob:


Wait until Freetrade has 1m customers and offers purchasing shares in-app. At least these will be equal conditions :slight_smile:


And it’s over :exploding_head:

20 characters :angry:


:heart: £2,038,459 from our existing investors
:stopwatch: £17,961,551 in just 2 hours and 45 minutes today
:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: £6,881,389 in the first 5 minutes today
:running_woman: £2,940,760 in 60 seconds during the fastest minute

2,457 investors from previous rounds invested again, and we welcomed more than 33,549 brand new investors today!


As a previous investor I didn’t think this looked like it was going well after the pre-sale days (only £2m), then I had a look at ten past ten. Flipping heck. That love that users have for the company, the only other place I’ve seen that is on here!


Such a small number of investors considering the 1.2 million customers?

Seems like a healthy amount of app users. Nearly as many investors as forum users, wonder if everyone will have a investor badge now :joy:

I’m interested in seeing how it breaks down in terms of investors who purchased 1 share, and investors who purchased the full 259 shares.

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Well, I missed it. :frowning: :sob: I was sleeping as I was nights last night and I did not wake up. What a shame. So much money in such a short time, magical.
