Monzo 📱 🏦

A quote from that article that many may find interesting, given the subject of this topic:

Monzo is also targeting a profit before a mooted float on the public markets in three to four years’ time


This is a shame :frowning:

Nice talk by Tom Blomfield.

They’re working hard to fix their culture and develop healthy acceptance of having to make revenue. Many people had to be fired it sounds like.


If Monzo has no choice but to seek money from Softbank, good luck to them:

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I’m not sure this was the case…


Just got my invite - now might be a good time to have a separate account incase my bank starts to wobble :stuck_out_tongue:

I still really struggle to understand the hype around Monzo - I used to use the app but moved away last year due to them turning more into a marketing company than a bank.

The “get paid a day early” really blew me away with how people can be so naive and almost gullible to these marketing ploys


Why? You can get paid a day earlier. Not a life changing feature, but does exactly what it says.


I appreciate for some being paid a day early can be beneficial as you cannot move every direct debit to coincide with your payday, but the way in which the Monzo community hailed it as such a revolution really blew me away given that your pay day is now fixed to another date so it’s only in theory paid a day earlier once.


So, Monzo doesn’t have a CTO?

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They do, one of the co-founders stepped into the CTO role IIRC

Jonas! I’ve met this chap a long time ago.

They have to move faster to keep their first mover advantage, especially when expanding in the already crowded space like the US.

Those coral cards :+1:


It doesn’t.

Meanwhile, it is not clear who is taking up Williams CTO responsibilities, especially as previous CTO and Monzo co-founder Jonas Huckestein (pictured right, with Meri Williams) is thought to be on paternity leave. Monzo declined to comment.

Is Monzo the MySpace of fintech or set to be the longterm leader?

Come on don’t disrespect MySpace like that.


Does anybody have a current market valuation on Monzo?

“bankette” that cant bear the costs associated with participating in iban network…