More or less same as you. Considering Bed&Isa my current Freetrade GIA, in more or less the same setup I have now in terms of stock distribution.
My other consideration is to carry on with my Vanguard ISA and stick next year’s allowance into a mix of US Equity, S&P 500, and a global index fund.
I’ll probably go with the latter, as I’m not likely to threaten my CGT allowance with my Freetrade GIA cos they’re mainly ‘cautious’ stocks with hopes for reasonable dividend income (for reinvestment = compounding effect). I can always Bed&ISA that in future years, when I won’t have as much disposable cash as I have now.
This year I am looking to increase holdings in cybersecurity and property (through REITS).
I’ll also be looking to increase holdings of large stable companies who are well protected against inflation (big money moats etc) - Unilever, Utility Companies, P&G, etc.
And, reliable dividend payers…
Basically looking for stability with the current volatility.
I’m very much hoping to be able to switch my Lisa to Freetrade in the next financial year. If so, I’ll move my holdings from mutual funds to individual stocks.
Other than that I plan to continue investing in SMT, MNKS and EWI within my Sipp at a 3:2:1 ratio.
Yeah, Im thinking along the same lines as you. I have GIA on Freetrade & Vanguard. I think the sensible option would be to open a Vanguard ISA & Bed from GIA into the US Equity Index