I’ve got a lot of love for FreeTrade but the graphs errors are driving me mad. Please fix this function or I will consider another product.
It’s the same for alot of other sources… Google for example is also broken
I looking at the app now and 7D, 1M, 1Y and Max all display Monday’s price of £26.07 but if I drag the dot to the far right manually (it’s already there but ??) it displays last night’s price £26.96
Hey guys,
We are aware of the issue and we are working with our data provider to get this fixed as soon as possible. It is unfortunately a wider problem, which is why Google, Yahoo and even LSE have the same issue on their one-day charts. The ETF is still being traded but the data is not translated correctly, which is also the reason why the historical charts have correct, end of day data. I hope this sheds a bit of light on the situation and we hope to have this fixed as soon as possible.
This is getting ridiculous as it’s now a week with no current data. I know it isn’t FT’s fault but how is this allowed to continue for this length of time with no end in sight?
Problem seem to be fixed now on LSE and Yahoo Finance, but issue still persists on FT. Also Google Finance seems to have lost all knowledge of SGLN
Thanks @qingqishi
I’d given up checking LSE as ii.co.uk wasn’t affected. Hopefully FT wil resolve the issue soon
Any update @jani ?
Yay! Mine is fixed
Yup all sorted. Thanks FT
Something odd is going on with the SGLN graph again, this gain is since July 20th. The price appears correct but the graph is wack.
I see the same and if I drag the dot to far right the price goes to £35.49
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