Purchase UK shares by quantity

The facility to purchase US shares by investment value or number of shares is really handy. Can we have this same functionality on UK shares.

Having just dumped my ISA allowance in, I am planning to purchase large numbers of shares and have planned but the amount of time I spend buying 1 or 2 less than I want because of price fluctuations, is annoying. If I want to buy 200 shares, that is what I want, not 197 and then buy another 3.

I can’t be the only person who finds this a bit irritating.

It’s nice to deal in round numbers, other brokers off this namely Halifax, it would be a great feature.

Also can I just add, Halifax also offers percentage of available fund allocations, whether it be £150 or £10,500 of cash in your account, you can set a percentage of available cash against your allocation choice.

I would love this for recurring order rather than %