Renewable Infrastructure Group - TRIG - Share Chat

I am aware of that. My argument is, they allowed this fund to be bought by us initially, but have now stated we need testing and unable to keep buying if we don’t meet the requirements. Should have been from the outset, not an afterthought.


It was a miss on Freetrade’s part by allowing these investments to be bought prior to the test in the first place but now they are trying to rectify this, to ensure compliance.

FYI, three of my investments are affected and I’ll just take the test when I top up.

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I just did the test and passed it as I understood the questions they asked about leverage and the possibility of being stuck with illiquid assets.

At the risk of asking a stupid question here though, I don’t understand the reason for TRIG being complex. I don’t see mention of leverage so is it because of low liquidity?


I think it’s mainly down to this statement in their KID

Intended Retail Investor: UK based asset and wealth managers, other institutional or sophisticated investors and private individuals. An investment in the Company is suitable only for investors who are capable of evaluating the risks and merits of such investment, who understand the potential risk of capital loss and that there may be limited liquidity in the underlying investments of the Company, for whom an investment in the ordinary shares constitutes part of a diversified investment portfolio, who fully understand and are willing to assume the risks involved in investing in the Company and who have sufficient resources to bear any loss (which may be equal to the amount invested) which might result from such investment.


The test had 7 questions. Does anybody know how many we have to get right for a pass? I failed. Very annoyed because I held think for ages.

Since I started investing with FT, my positions have had to be sold in the end. I had to sell my MLPs when 70% of my portfolio was MLP. I sold the rest of my US stocks when they removed most US REITs from the Basic list. I sold POLY and EVRAZ when Russian affected companies were frozen. My plans for a yearly 10k dividend were scuppered. Another one bites the dust with TRIG. What’s next?

Instead I withdraw my money, and my pension plans have moved into property.

I have a few grand left in FT, which is likely to get used for something else outside of FT now that another of my investment plans (TRIG) has gone tits-up. Again.


You could try a learning app like Investmate. I used it when I first started investing over a year ago and still remembered enough to pass the FT test when it arrived.

Maybe FT could write their own learning app?

Edit: you may find that other providers will require a similar test, which is why Investmate and other learning apps exists, so moving may not be the answer that you hope for.


It’s a good idea, but I shan’t do it. Learning won’t beat every changing financial legislation. The rules change too often. I feel too old these days.

I will carry on with buying and letting out property, and get out of trading. I have gradually divested from all trading , including FT, since we lost access to MLPs.


I know that feeling!


Commentary on how batteries are going to supercharge TRIG’s merchant revenue:

In the managers’ view, the investment case for these projects does not rest on batteries deriving the majority of their revenues from frequency response services to the grid, where increased competition has reduced revenues and prices. Instead, the managers see the investment opportunity as generating revenues from trading volatility in the wholesale electricity market, charging batteries at times of low prices and discharging at higher prices. Clearly, in revenue terms, this benefits a renewables portfolio which is exposed to exactly this risk (price volatility), where, absent any price fixes, there is the risk that electricity prices moderate at peak generating times for TRIG’s portfolio. Over the long term, the managers believe that batteries will benefit from increased market volatility, as electricity demand increases and more renewables are online.


It’s an interesting and logical move for the power grids/market participants that I’ve seen mentioned elsewhere
The UK will likely have an oversupply of wind energy in certain periods (winter months usually have higher sustained wind speeds I believe) assuming most planned projects and investment comes online/gets funded

Another aspect/country that I read last week, is Germany with an oversupply of solar energy, where market prices went negative - Germany Has Too Many Solar Panels, and It's Pushed Energy Prices Negative

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Has anyone else received the Dividend for this, it was due on the 28th June. Hopefully it will turn up tomorrow

Still waiting for it.

The delay is a tad frustrating a week late without any explanation isn’t on.

It is why my main holdings are now over at Trading 212, had my dividends on the day.

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Just received the dividends

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Up 3.8% today! More of the same please.

So within a year we have over 30% price reduction, why is this dividend stock going down? (today 78p/share)