🌲 Green investing 🌲

:evergreen_tree: Green Investments :evergreen_tree:

I am passionate about investing in green policy based companies and find it hard to convince people that green can be a big money maker. You don’t need to be a hippy eating lentils all day to help the planet, although fair play if you are!

My theory is the richest man in the world at the time of posting is behind EV and solar etc so it must be possible. To help promote and keep up to date I thought it would be nice to have a one place stop shop for any green investment links or articles/opinions. Even if just a link to an individual thread/post.

There are some really good companies that may get a thread but then disappear in the mass of the bigger companies/posts on the forum so I thought this may help to get the green ones a bit more viewing time and hopefully a bit more investment from the community as it will benefit us all if they succeed.

Obviously we have the power house of Tesla below that doesn’t need more help getting viewed so no need to add them again unless it is a good green story and not business news on their thread.

Tesla (TSLA) :red_car::electric_plug: - Share Chat - Stock Discussions - Freetrade Community

There are also votes for companies that aim to be green that often get on the forum then fall way down the list so people miss them, especially when a couple hundred new stocks get added at once. :rofl:. Adding the link to the vote here will get them more opportunities to be voted on and then hopefully make it to the app.

Below are some good links on the forum and elsewhere. :+1:

Green ETFs

iShares Global Clean Energy ETF (INRG) - Share Chat - Stock Discussions - Freetrade Community

L&G Clean Energy UCITS ETF (RENG) - Share Chat - Stock Discussions - Freetrade Community

SDCL Energy Efficiency Income Trust plc SEIT - Stock Discussions - Freetrade Community

iShares MSCI Japan SRI UCITS ETF USD (Acc.) SUJA - Stock Discussions - Freetrade Community

iShares MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF USD (Acc.) SUUS - Stock Discussions - Freetrade Community

iShares MSCI Europe SRI UCITS ETF EUR (Acc.) IESG - Stock Discussions - Freetrade Community

iShares MSCI EM SRI UCITS ETF USD (Acc.) SUES - Stock Discussions - Freetrade Community

iClima Global Decarbonisation Enablers UCITS ETF (Acc) (CLMP) - Share Chat - Stock Discussions - Freetrade Community

Rize Sustainable Future - FOGB - Share chat - Stock Discussions - Freetrade Community

Meat free

Beyond Meat (BYND) :leafy_green: :cut_of_meat: - Share Chat - Stock Discussions - Freetrade Community

Benson Hill Inc - BHIL - Share chat - Stock Discussions - Freetrade Community

Green start up

Tred - Carbon Offsetting - Investing and Markets :chart_with_upwards_trend: / Startups Crowdfunding :hammer: - Freetrade Community


Renewable Infrastructure Group (TRIG) :chart_with_upwards_trend: - Share Chat - Stock Discussions - Freetrade Community

Octopus Renewables plc :octopus: (ORIT) - Share Chat - Stock Discussions - Freetrade Community

ITM Power (ITM) :battery: :fog: - Share Chat - Stock Discussions - Freetrade Community

Vestas Wind (ADR) :dash: - (VWDRY) - Share chat - Stock Discussions - Freetrade Community

HydrogenOne Capital Fund - HGEN.L - Share chat - Stock Discussions - Freetrade Community

AFC Energy :deciduous_tree: (AFC) - Stock Discussions - Freetrade Community

Green votes

[Request] Liontrust Sustainable Future Global Growth Fund Class 2 Net Accumulation - Stock Requests :chart_with_upwards_trend: - Freetrade Community

[Request] iShares Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology UCITS ETF - (ECAR.L) - Stock Requests :chart_with_upwards_trend: - Freetrade Community

[Request] Net Zero Infrastructure (NZI) - Stock Requests :chart_with_upwards_trend: - Freetrade Community

[Request] Pictet - Global Environmental Opportunities I dy (GBP) - Stock Requests :chart_with_upwards_trend: - Freetrade Community

[Request] CARB WisdomTree Carbon ETC - Stock Requests :chart_with_upwards_trend: - Freetrade Community

[Request] Foresight Sustainable Forestry Company :evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree: IPO - Stock Requests :chart_with_upwards_trend: - Freetrade Community

[Request] iClima Distributed Renewable Energy UCITS ETF (DGEN) - Stock Requests :chart_with_upwards_trend: - Freetrade Community

[Request] Hanetf Icav - Solar Energy Ucits Etf (TANN) - Stock Requests :chart_with_upwards_trend: - Freetrade Community

[Request] Cleaner Living ESG-S UCITS ETF (DTOX) - Stock Requests :chart_with_upwards_trend: - Freetrade Community

[Request] Harmony Energy IPO - Stock Requests :chart_with_upwards_trend: - Freetrade Community

[Request] Rivian Motors :electric_plug: :oncoming_automobile: (RIVN) IPO - Stock Requests :chart_with_upwards_trend: - Freetrade Community

SparkChange Physical Carbon EUA ETC (Ticker: CO2) - Stock Requests :chart_with_upwards_trend: - Freetrade Community

[Request] US Solar Fund (USFP) - Stock Requests :chart_with_upwards_trend: - Freetrade Community

Green chat

UK to require all new homes to include EV chargers! - Investing and Markets :chart_with_upwards_trend: - Freetrade Community

Why clean energy investing is the future - Investing and Markets :chart_with_upwards_trend: - Freetrade Community

Green/Sustainable companies - First Time Investing :hatching_chick: - Freetrade Community

Eqtec (EQT) - Stock Discussions - Freetrade Community

None of this is advice but a simple helping hand to promote the discussion on all things green investing! :+1: Please add any links or chat so hopefully some companies that may have disappeared and been forgotten far down the list get a better chance of being seen by new members.


Good thread.

I’d add to your green etf section SUUS.L (US esg), SUJA.L (Japan esg), IESG.L (EU esg) and SUES.L (emerging markets esg). These are all broadish etfs and their MCSI esg scores and carbon intensity score are all solid (ish: SUES isn’t as good).

V3AM.L had a lot of votes too - though we won’t know its esg scores for a while.

And one challenge for green investors is that some things may be going /too/ well! The cost of generated renewable electricity is dropping quickly enough that the future net asset values for UKW.L and TRIG.L may look a bit optimistic.


Top man! I’ll get the links and add them to the list in a bit :+1:


You should check out ZERO same index as INRG but cheaper TER and also uses carbon offsets. also look at cleaner living - DTOX, also decarbijnsation enablers - CLMP


look at Solar ETF - TANN & distributed renewables - DGEN


Great thread. Been going a bit green myself lately. Plenty of upcoming IPO listing that I’m looking forward to, but plenty already out there.

Right now one of my favorites is Eqtec who create energy from waste,

Some of the upcoming Ipo’s I’m looking out for are

Technology Minerals
Pod point


The L&G Clean Energy ETF ( RENG ) is an alternative to iShares INRG ( Plus only ).


Really interesting article, especially the aim of 5 Unicorns by 2030 and 20 by 2040! Could be some good investments here. :+1:


This could kick start some big investments and also some SPs going up as people try and get on the waggon. Certainly going to be an interesting few months in the sector. :+1:

Not mentioned in the article but on the live broadcasts it seems hydrogen is getting a lot of backing as well so may effect companies like ITM.

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Can we please add Rize Sustainable Future of Food ETF: Ticker FOGB


40+ Holdings Top 10 include Beyond Meat, Tattooed Chef, Oatly etc.


I have added all I can from the above comments and will continue to until it says no more can be :stuck_out_tongue:

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If possible under Food catagory: Ticker BHIL

Benson Hill - Plant to Plate Scientists

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Looks like more investing in more companies is going to get, a little bit, greener.

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But what does it mean to be “green”? I think you’re just using fashionable cliches.

It’s a fairly broad and protean designation. Who defines what is “green”? And who measures it?

To me, it smacks of self-righteousness. I think it’s fashionable frenzy and fad, a cool phrase that sounds vaguely respectable but ultimately it’s totally hollow - like snake oil salesman it’s all about hype, the excitement and the image. For me, the critical question is return on investing capital. I leave this loading PR expressions for someone else.

I think people who buy Green ETFs have absolutely no idea what the ETF contains. No idea . They only buy it because it contains the label “GREEN” on the label which is the contemporary panacea in investing. It doesn’t seem very intelligent to me.

As for Tesla - maybe a great company (??) but it’s a dreadful stock. The most overvalued in the market. And why? Hype and PR.

I am sorry but I’m very sceptical of this “green” investing. I don’t think anyone knows what it means - but they’re just running with the fashionable crowds thinking they’re doing something great. How much bitcoin does Tesla own? How much CO2 is pumped out of their buildings to construct cars? Is there really any “green” company?


Fair enough, you are entitled to your views :+1: Me personally, I would prefer to invest, not exclusively, in a company that does say 40-50% green than a similar one that does 0%. Not sure what cliches I am using as it is only a thread for links etc but fair enough.

My Freetrade shareholding is 600% up. Wish all my stocks were as ‘dreadful’.


@DrunkenMonkey sometimes it’s hard to understand other investors’ motivations.

Mine: I want to invest for my family’s future and for me that means return and my family having a world they can live in. I want to do something about climate change, and making my money greener feels like a way to do that. I am comfortable giving up some return if other criteria are met. I understand that the “ESG” label gets put on many things as a marketing ploy, but I don’t believe that that on its own means I should avoid greener investing.

I don’t know enough about Tesla to comment on it (though its return on capital seems pretty good the last couple of years I guess?). So to take a different example, the SUUS.L etf - you can look up its sustainability metrics - there are published methodologies etc. Yes, these metrics are non-financial, yes you can argue that they’re bogus metrics. But I’m happy investing in it.

Fair enough if you’re only interested in return on capital. One investment consideration might be whether carbon-intensive assets face being abruptly “stranded” in future - a sudden, irreversible loss in value if the world does successfully turn away from those assets and towards things that are greener.



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This is a great topic to start. Let’s not engage in philosophising like the drunken money above. Let’s keep it pragmatic, there is a world of investment opportunities now that are focused on solving the climate crisis, the biodiversity crises and other environmental concerns eg plastic. Putting your money along with millions of others as well as institutional investors into these rather than fossil fuels companies etc. lowers the cost of capital for companies that improve the planet and increase the cost of capital for companies that harm it.

PS anyone else invest in clim8? They sent out a very positive investor update today