Repository of crowdfunding pitchdecks

Hey all, I’m researching startups that have participated in crowdfunding.

When the crowdfunding is live, the pitchdecks are downloadable from their crowdfunding page.

However, after they have closed their round, on seedrs, the “documents” section is locked.

I am wondering if anyone knows a place where all of the pitchdecks exist for startups across seedrs and crowdcube?

I doubt there’s anywhere that holds that info. might have some info, but you’ll have to pay to find out!

I have some old pitchdecks, there was a time where I would download docs from every new pitch onto computer, I’m not sure whether I still have them. The aim was to be able to compare actual to forecast at a later date, especially if companies went on to raise more money. The rule is companies underperform their own targets. Now if I’m very interested in seeing how things turn out for a company but perhaps not too keen on then as an investment I’ll request the documents, invest the minimum, usually £10, and then that allows you to access the documents you requested in the post investment screen.

Its encouraging to see all these new initiatives being proposed on here to try and better wrap our heads around crowdfunding. I think it’s much needed, it does seem that many of the companies now crowdfunding for the first time are VC rejects. For this and other reasons a healthy dose of skepticism is appropriate.but I think the ECF buzz guy is far far too negative, like he has an axe to grind with the platforms and some of the successful entrepreneurs. For a long time though he was the only voice raising concerns about some of the companies raising and the due diligence done or not done by the platforms.


Same. I’ll have a look at the laptop tomorrow I think I’ve money dashboard, genuine impact, ID Finance as well as FT

Thank you @astonelesschip!

Would you be up for sharing these via Google Drive or Dropbox?

Much appreciated for your response so far - I like your approach because the amount of “under/overperformance” might be a good indicator for future rounds!

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Would love to read it!

has anyone had a chance to find them?

It would be really cool to have a look at the R5 pitch deck for sure as I am an R6 investor.