Fantastic value and good performing multi-asset portfolios. Widely available and from Vanguard. When could these be added, please?
Agree that it’d be good to add these.
For LS100, a Vanguard ETF VWRP is a good substitute. LS funds overweight the U.K. market quite a lot so VWRP is a better global fund as it gives the U.K. its correct global weighting.
I believe this has come up before and Freetrade have said they’re only looking at Exchange Traded Funds, which LifeStrategy is not - it’s more a traditional fund so you can’t buy and sell it on a stock exchange - but rather via the fund manager, which Freetrade doesn’t support.
This is a good explanation of the difference: Vanguard Asset Management | Personal Investing in the UK
If you’re interested in ESG investing, these ETFs I’ve just requested use a similar ‘set and forget’ asset allocation approach: BlackRock ESG Multi-Asset Moderate Portfolio UCITS ETF (Acc) - MAMG - Share chat
Any news on this? Im sure they can add this into the platform considering it has a KIID and other brokers like HL have these funds available.