Rights issues / Corporate Actions

As of 9th March 2021, Freetrade cannot support elective Corporate Action events, including Rights Issues, at this time.

How on earth is this okay?

A share trading platform that that doesn’t allow PIs to take up rights they are entitled to?

This is literally costing me/people real significant money.


The irony of the 3 new “blank cheque” firms just being added as well :joy: There really should be a warning when buying that you are not actually buying the full share+rights when purchasing if that is the case.

I got no issue with that as I would just change my portfolio majorly and I would then open a new account elsewhere for these features but it should be CLEAR.

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It’ll be good to understand the reasoning behind withdrawing support for rights issues as FT have previously supported this. For example, ITM power on Oct 2020 for £2.35.

Is this due to some technical or process challenges?


Exactly my point :+1: when I joined I read they did this and have bought with this in mind. Now I see a 2 sentence blog post for such a big change :joy: and when you search the subject it is not the first time asked with no answers.

Whatever the reason FT should just be honest and open as all they have done is invite bad PR and upset members when they are doing so much right! I am MASSIVELY pro FT but this isn’t great is an understatement.

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I am somewhat at a loss why the above is not currently possible to do on FT and, as it is not, why it is not a clearly signposted priority on FT’s roadmap. I have taken quite a few largeish positions and what with the way things are going a rights issue is not out of the Q on one or two of my shareholdings but in my FT portfolio there is nothing I can presently do. I also have a modest shareholding in Aston Martin and I, it was confirmed today, cannot avail myself of the rights issue and will have to forgo my shareholder entitlement because of FT’s inability to process such.

I have been a big fan of FT and supported most raises since Round 2 and am their number 50-odd customer. Please sort this out FT as this is a serious and potentially investor costly disadvantage.


I am gobsmacked that folks do not appear to realise the importance of being able to participate in a rights issue or open offer. Rolls Royce, Kier, IAG are recent examples. Now Aston Martin. ITM Power, a popular stock that is really under the cosh at present has had one in the past and may need to do so again. FT currently cannot help as they lack the ability to process such.

If any of your investments, as we go into what could be a pretty turbulent time for the foreseeable, gets into trouble and companies in which you have invested (and believe can pull through), need to tap investors for more cash by way of a sometimes deeply discounted rights issue or open offer, as an investor on this platform you would not be able to do anything other than kiss your rights goodbye and be diluted and pushed further under water.

In answer to a Q of FT over the weekend relating to Aston Martin’s impending raise I was informed: “At present Freetrade is not operationally set up to support Rights Issues, Open Offers and similar events which involve subscribing to more shares. We also do not offer Proxy voting. Really sorry to disappoint you on this…We are working to allow this but do not have a timeframe to share on this right now. We also collect our customers’ suggestion on this so the others can vote on them and help us prioritise”

FT will prioritise this if sufficient numbers want it. Why anybody would not is unfathomable and is something that all other platforms, certainly the usual ones, offer; this basic but really important functionality.

My wife has an account with II which I was minded to move over to FT, as well as her Vanguard SIPP, having also moved my SIPP to FT very recently. That will now not happen till this is put right.

Please vote. You know it makes sense!


Since I got admonished for posting in the Flexi-Isa thread I’ll post here as well, to remain “on topic”.

It has been 2 years and still no movement on this. That is shocking especially as this costs your subscribers actual money. A flexible ISA is a nice to have, but have you even done any investigations into how much ISA holders would even use it? Why would you bother taking money out of an ISA in order to just put it back in. Someone replied that someone might take it out to hold as cash, but to me they would have to be quite a naive investor to do such a thing. If you wanted to hold something as cash temporarily, it would mean withdrawing it (which takes time, and then worry about putting it back within the tax year. It also would only really apply to someone who is getting close to maxing out their ISA contribution.

Compared with the lack of getting the additional investments which to my reading of your terms and conditions you SHOULD cover via “Reasonable actions”:

  1. 21.4. If you become entitled to any proceeds (such as dividends) or non-monetary benefits (such as additional Investments) as a result of any corporate action in relation to the Investments in your Freetrade Account(s), we’ll take all reasonable steps to collect such proceeds or benefits and credit your Freetrade Account(s) accordingly.

According to my reading of the terms you don’t cover any corporate actions:

  1. 21.2.1. Freetrade and its sub-custodians have no duty to inform you of any corporate actions related to the Investments in your Freetrade Account(s);
  2. 21.2.2. you waive your right to exercise any corporate actions in relation to your Investments; and
  3. 21.2.3. you agree that we or the legal holder of your Investments may exercise (or not exercise) any corporate actions at its discretion. That discretion will not take into account your individual wishes or circumstances, and whether and how those rights are exercised may not result in your preferred outcome.

which means that you don’t support the paying out of dividends. yet later you seem to allow for the payments of dividends in 21.4. In the same term you allow for the scope of “additional investments” yet are unable to accomplish that simple task when it is a rights issue that requires a subscription. I must conclude that the “additional investments” are there to simply allow for the adjustments of a stock split or a reverse split.

These terms MUST be made more explicit, ideally to state that dividends WILL be paid, not that “reasonable steps” will be taken. I’m primarily a dividend investor so this is especially jarring to my plan as if dividends start to be withheld then I would need to change my strategy. As it is now I’ve already lost ~£40 thereabouts to your inability to allow for rights issues. I am currently locked into FT for the year, so the clock is ticking. Please figure out how to do the simple SQL queries (I’ll even help if you need it) and figure out some “reasonable steps” to allow for the uptake of rights issues. Most importantly, update your own terms to reflect the reality of what you do and don’t support explicitly so that dividend distributions are guaranteed and not hidden behind “reasonable steps” vague language.


How come you are locked in for the year?

subscribed for a year.

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Good boy you posted in the correct place. I liked your post and hope we get this feature in due course.


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