Ford Motor Company (EyeQ4) and BMW Group (EyeQ5) are both very serious automakers and both chose Mobileye (Intel Corporation) over Nvidia for ADAS. Likelihood is Mobileye is for right now (NCAP & EU GSR) and Argo AI is a possible design route further in the future for Ford. My judgment remains that both Ford and BMW are most likely partnered with Seeing Machines for #DMS
I warned my dad on Friday there’d be a load of us Freetraders buying small amounts of see on Monday, (I put my own in at £50) and funnily enough they picked up on it on the lse bulletin board, asking which free platform it was good for Freetrade, good for SEE. Gotta make my loss back now. I have spent £100 in total commissions with my current SEE holding
The stock is making some moves over the past week on the back of news about licensing their hardware to semiconductor companies I believe? A sort of ASIC system on a chip designed to run their software efficiently from a quick overview?
Unfortunately I sold out my share when the price dipped as I’ve begun sticking to a -7% sell rule, however the position was one of my smallest.
I’ll definitely follow the company but I think I will hold off as an investor since not being able to have a high degree of confidence in SEE means I can’t make it a meaningful component of my portfolio .
Wunderwill if it helps, it is indeed looking more positive at the moment. SEE are supposed to have the best quality product offering in their category compared to their competitors, whilst also being of the best value…and apparently now they’re able to offer this to a broader market…is my understanding. I try to understand what they talk about on the LSE bulletin board. Do you ever visit that? I will say that sometimes it gets me down because some of them say management are poor and only act in accordance to their own agenda re: the share price so they can enjoy bonuses without care for the company or investors. However I have always held and keep buying as the forum is full of people who research to death and they’re full of positivity right now. It’s being invested in a company who are developing tech focused on the safety of vehicle users that compels me. I think you should see where things are at Christmas/next year and maybe you’ll be happier to make a more significant investment then. I hope you do
Really? What do you mean? I feel like the people there spend their 9-5 researching the company and anyone else that might have anything to do with them… maybe I am too much of a novice. Where should I go for a better insight?
People on these LSE boards are an extreme breed of yay sayers. They only reinforce their positive attitude towards the company by hailing insignificant news as amazing developments.
crap. That’s just what my dad is like…and he introduced me to the lse board. If I stick to my own methods I’d have all my money in boring ETFs then, but these have not done well for me for obvious reasons currently. To be honest I’m not sure I know how to go about researching companies in the best way so maybe I should stay off forums and get back to where I began.
I think forums can be a useful tool but just be wary of following blindly what other people say. Always be prepared to disagree or just plain ignore it when people start to lose their objectivity or rationality in discussing a company.
I find YouTube to be a more helpful resource in researching companies generally because there are usually some very educated people out there making analysis videos about practically any stock you care to name unless very very obscure!
SEE is making a move for it today, up 7%. the LSE forum seem to think it’s due to an American investor jumping onboard but who known till the RNS lands
For context. SEE raised approximately US$20 million last week “to a well known US institutional investor”
The wait is for the confirmation via an RNS on who this investor is, as they will need to declare the holding as it puts them over the reporting threshold. Whether this is what’s driving the rise