Star Energy Group plc - STAR - Share chat

Net debt has been paid down aggressively over last couple yrs.

They stated in presentation before xmas they expect to have it paid down by June.

This level of cash generation will be enormous for co at 10m market cap and production of over 2000 bopd, quite mad. You don’t pay down debt this aggressively if you ain’t got free cash flow!

Net debt

Nov 23 update: GBP2.6 million

22 Finals: GBP6.1m

21 Finals: GBP12.2m

a peer comparison taken from elsewhere

AXL (still crazy undervalued)
70m mcap
3300 boepd

17m mcap
2m revs per quarter (STAR 11-15m)
Small debt

17m mcap
1400 boepd
Mountains of horrendous debt/dilution

10m mcap
2000-2200 boepd
Debt (RBL 4% libor) 2m-zero
Forecast 2500 boepd+ by year end