Sunda Energy Plc - SNDA - Share Chat

This company runs an oil and gas exploration business, with operations in the UK, South America and Timor-Leste.

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Should we be excited? Little buzz here.

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Order filled at 0.0011 :pensive:

Got in at 0.001 per share, only Β£2.10 worth but up 15% so far since this morning

Some info for anyone interested

Just started on FT last week, upgraded to plus and bought Β£20 worth of shares :ok_hand:

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Just bought Β£25.00 will continue to add :+1:

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Is there a telegram group for baron oil ?

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Great day today over 600 mil volume, lets hope it can steadily climb from here no spikes please


.0008 now. Time to buy

Ive been watching this one and Im still not convinced. They recently pulled out of their Peru project. They recently released a few billon shares at 0.0006 so the current price may be a high point.

That said they are investing a lot in the East Timor project. I have no idea how far down the road they are in this project but at present this seems their most positive prospect. Im going to keep a watch on Baron Oil.l for now.

If anyone has any better or recent info on the oil company, Im all ears.

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Not touching this with a barge pole!!

Many people holding?

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Looking very spicy at the moment but we have been here before numerous times. Holding.


Great day today .10 lets hope this is the new holding point :crossed_fingers:

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