Sunda Energy Plc - SNDA - Share Chat

Anticipation of news , they made a statement un November that there would be news in February 2023 and theres not many days left :crossed_fingers: it could be massive


Thanks for the heads up

Hi, I’m really new to investing.

Please can you explain what this means exactly? I’ve had a look and I can’t work it out.

Thank you

I hope so, I have 1.1 million shares in boil :money_mouth_face:

Boil ( baron oil ) have two assets that are up for sale, their previous statement was they d not want to drill just sell , so if they get sold it will be a major payoff its just finding the right buyer, they made it clear there were a couple in the offering . Join the boil telegram group there is stacks of detailed info there . Remember though nothing is guaranteed . I have built up 5 mil shares so i do believe however its all a gamble until the money is in the bank

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Theres info on their web page :slight_smile:

It would be good if we were in the know. Anyway hope for the best. Stay positive :sunglasses:

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I’ve just had a read of this and from what I’ve read, it seems really positive.

However it’s looking like a few years until we could see our investments go up in a monumental way. Unless I’ve misunderstood everything in the document… :joy:

Any chance I could get a link to the chat group? Link above seems to have expired.

Contact @jarvy55 she will give you link

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A helpful article giving an overview of the Compotent Persons Report and offering a thoughts on why the price has dipped, which suggests profit taking

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Baron Oil confirm 180 million barrels of oil discovered at Chudditch ahead of drive to seek out funding partners

What is going on?

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Smart move