Top 28 fintech startups in the UK | No Freetrade 🤔
Some of the familiar names mentioned:
Starling Bank
Atom Bank

Mentioned here before how it’d be nice to see Freetrade involved and recognised more in the fintech startup space. Hopefully this is on the expanded marketing team’s radar? @stephkendall @Freetrade_Team


Likewise saw this article today and was surprised to see no mention of freetrade. Would be nice if they were a bit more visible in this sort of roundup.

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Dozens is a lot newer than Freetrade with less downloads and they made it at number 3, so I don’t think that’s a deciding factor. I think it may be just down to “marketing” the brand - e.g. dozens ran a big advertising campaign - whereas Freetrade have focused mainly on shipping the product.

It’s encouraging to see new the former Growth Team being renamed as a “Marketing Team” (if the team could shed light on this it’d be great) so hopefully visibility will pick up and Freetrade will become part of the conversation.


Just seen the android app stats, dozens says 1k+ downloads and freetrade says 5k+.

However while I was there I had time reading the freetrade android app reviews, lots of 1* from people who downloaded when it was just a holding page essentially.


Some I haven’t heard of, some are too obvious to miss. Wonder if it was a nice dinner in exchange for includion in that list for some? Seems odd otherwise

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That’s a very interesting topic!

We’re continuously studying, testing, and implementing the best practices of West Coast startups, as well as developing our own approaches. With the iOS app shipped with quite a few features and the Android app launching fully soon, we’ve reached a point that we decided to implement cross-functional teams (“verticals” in internal Freetrade slang) to work on priorities such as growth.

In a pre-product / early product environment, it made sense that the marketing team was in charge of growth, but now a small team of engineers, designers, a data scientist, and yours truly make up the growth team.

The marketing team is working on very exciting initiatives that are focused on increasing awareness at scale.


Running ad campaigns and similar approaches are one way to get into these articles. We are getting more and more press mentions, especially from journalists who are a bit ahead of the curve, but we think our resources are best spent on building the product with our community.

However, every community member can help Freetrade get into these pieces. It takes two clicks from the articles to shoot an email to the respective journalist. Having worked with a few of them, they care about the accuracy and quality of their articles and pay attention to feedback. :purple_heart:

Talking of which, Kate Beioley from the FT is writing about our space, and I’m sure she’d appreciate any views our community can share with her:


The order of the list seems quite random, and OakNorth is an even stranger omission


Thanks for sharing this and asking about our plans. As Viktor mentions, we have a lot planned in marketing over the next few months to coincide with some exciting features which are coming up. Taking part in even more conversations in the wider tech and media environment is also definitely part of this. Watch this space.