I have noticed there are little cycles in the mining stocks.
Little low and highs which may be an opportunity if you conquer your emotion and read it right.
However my question is a lot of mining stocks apear to be heading down down as if they are on the way to zero. (see newmont and barrick gold, HECLA, MAG silver)
Do a lot of these fairly large mining stocks just fade away to nothing or do they mostly bounce back?
Definitely high risk if you try to profit from a downtrade but im jst worried all minng stocks have large downtrends and what eventually happens to themβ¦
Great question which Iβd also be interested in answers to. I have a number of mining stocks as well such as CEY, CAML and even GLEN that are well down at the moment.
Miners are notorious for being cyclical. Especially the big ones. Much harder to judge with the small caps as they can do mad things. I was trying to buy and sell Rio on the cycles but it is nnot easy and I hate having unused cash in my account.
This answer is the summary, ETFs or some big mining player that mines many different minerals, not only gold, so you are protected a bit in the downside: