Vår Sverigechef Karl Broomé gästade precis Di TVs morgonstudio där han pratade om Freetrades kommande lansering i Sverige. Intervjun kan ni se här!
Google Translate costs less than me on a hourly basis
Will take a listen in a bit and put down some notes. Again, caveat that my Swedish is decent but not native - so you might need Daniel to fill in any gaps…
Some key bits:
For people who want to trade transparently and for free.
How will you make money? Freemium model, like Spotify or other tech companies.
A bit about the journey in the UK - trading experience has historically been bad and expensive, now have over 1m customers in the UK.
When can one sign up? Waitlist is open but lots of focus at the moment on building out the app and getting the licence from Finansinspektionen - delays due to the pandemic.
Will be a test period, with waitlist members the first to test the Swedish app.
A bit about the development of Freetrade and rollout in Europe - appreciate that with new countries there will be different challenges.
No problem, invoice in the mail
Thanks, Kraftskiva - the video, together with your translation, is like a Swedish Rosetta Stone. I am now fluent.
Fantastisk, så kan du översätta nästa gång!
Det skulle vara ett nöje, men jag kanske behöver din hjälp med några av nyanserna.
@KarlB Snyggt!