When do you expect to have Android app available
Was just about to ask the same question!
Hi guys, I’m the guy developing the Android app at Freetrade!
I’m really sorry I can’t give a timeline yet, since I know there is a lot of demand for Android.
Rest assured that it is currently a top priority here and I have a vested interest in getting the app out as fast as I can since I’m also desperate to start using it.
We’ll try to give some updates along the way and get feedback. We will be going back to the drawing board a little bit from the iOS app and hopefully conforming very closely to material design.
Hey @greg thanks for the update. So it seems like you are at a very early stage of development. Would you able to put your development progress and targets on Trello in near future.
I am saying this because:
It will be on the roadmap of course.
Thanks for the update @greg - I’m also eagerly awaiting the android app
Will you be introducing a beta programme ahead of android launch? and if so, will we have an opportunity to participate?
We haven’t finalised the details, but we do plan to conduct user testing. Let us know if you’re interested: Be an early tester for Freetrade
Application posted! cheers @Viktor
Application entered
Thanks, I’ve put in an application
Any news on when the android user testing will start. I put in an application and am really keen to get involved!
Just messaged you!
Hi everyone, I’ve been hard at work on the android app the last few weeks and the waitlist screens of the app are mostly finished so we will hopefully be launching that soon.
I’ve now moved onto the onboarding screens. Today I got the notification and email that I was at the front of the queue! …at least in the test environment…
Some of the other guys on iOS now have live accounts already and I’m desperate to have my own, so rest assured I’m properly motivated to get the rest of the app built - just to onboard myself
Fantastic, great work Greg
Will the app be be tested on the iOS 12 beta on iPhone before launch?
Yep, the iOS app will be at least!
This is great news Greg! Nice to get an update on what’s been happening behind the scenes!
Keep up the good work Greg, looking forward to being a part of the testing team!