What is your strategy for the next 3-6 months?

Just got a Boohoo free share. I believe that the fashion market will explode as soon as people are allowed back out again. Did you hear about that Hermès Boutique in China that made $2.7 Million in just one day after re-opening.


Research on borrowing has become more detailed. Lots of ferreting around in the notes to the accounts to dig out when everything is due. :sunglasses:

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Couldn’t you just rebalance your portfolio?

IBM hasn’t gone to 0 but your right sp500 index has beaten IBM in the last 20 years.

But that’s only one example…

I suppose it depends if your confident in your own ability to stock pick if your not then index investing is the right thing to for you

Just started doing the exact same thing with the tech giants :+1:t2:

Boohoo is a nice free share. I should get my friends on the platform.

I believe this, too.

I also think e-commerce made progress like never before, and people who never tried it before or weren’t fans, saw the value.

  • Ocado had a 40.4% jump in its second quarter retail revenues, following a 10.3% first quarter jump. The latest they said was that normal shopping behaviours were returning and that “the number of items per basket appears to have passed its peak but remains high”. (source)
  • Etsy had a big surge driven by home-made face masks.
  • Boohoo recently had 230% growth in processed orders.

The peaks will not return for some time, but I believe behaviours have been altered for good.

Welcome to the community.

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Same as usual, investing in dividend growth stocks - slow and steady! :smile: