Jani gave an awesome talk, revealing our product roadmap for this year at last month’s community meetup.
If there’s a topic that you’d like us to cover at one of our next events, this is your chance to ask It could be something related to the app / service again or maybe something about the way that we work. If there’s anything else you can think of, feel free to ask!
And even if you can’t come to these events, we’ll start recording the talks at some point..
Growth. How things have gone so far and plans and expectations and Freetrade’s plans to scale to match that. Much graph potential. Maybe even a pie chart
How new stocks to be added is decided and the process
Regulatory stuff. I know AML and KYC is a long shot but worth a try
Just throwing some stuff out there, maybe some should go to the ideas category but worthsharing my thoughts
Potential impact of Brexit (in the event of a no-deal) in accesses Global Stock Markets
What other future pilot schemes the community can participate in (maybe even timelines if possible), especially late comers like me who just head about freetrade!
Thoughts on trying to keep the FX spot rates are low as possible (any future plans)
Is the current FT platform fit for Robo-Advisors integration?
Maybe an updated analytics of the demographics of who are currently using FT
and some sort of analysis on what they’re purchaing on FT; shares, etf, investment trusts etc.
Maybe some analysis on dormant FT users
And what plans does FT have to encourage or assist users to start executing / trading and potential reasons why they open but haven’t done anything