If its a fist fight then I would have to go for grizzly
Medium sized dog and large dog made the list. But i see no one was prepared to take on the small dog, i don’t blame them, those things are vicious.
Yes, especially chihuahuas, what Hellish teeth they have!
read in a bad David Attenborough voice
A dance as old a time @1anrs will try in vain to beat back the hoards year after year but evolution has given them one last trick. They’re just so stupid they keeping coming back, son after father, daughter after mother, and will one day exhaust our tenacious gardener.
Get the crowd to stay quite and then gently wake it up after about 90 mins and it’ll be so groggy it won’t be able to move. Great plan, not sure it would make a good spectator event though.
I would say a fly. But the one in my kitchen has beaten me
Why will it just not unalive
Just when you think yes. I won. Man vs Fly ! I am man
It starts buzzing again
Maybe there’s more than one …
Love this
And I hadn’t thought of the stupidity aspect but absolutely right.
Someone else mentioned they ran away from rats. Just as well they don’t have my allotment. I get them pausing outside the door of my shed and looking in at me when I’m sitting there!
Most flys only live for a month, maximum. Only another 26 days and you’ll win by default!
Slowly bring your hands to either side of them and then clap above them. They can’t process where to go quickly enough. Science for the win.
A rabbit. Just not the one from The Holy Grail!!!
I could beat a fat innkeeper worm no problem
Viva la Revolución !
Man invents Vacuum Cleaner
Man 1 Fly 0
10% of Americans think they could beat a GORILLA in a fight
The 10% of Brit’s who think they could take down a Chimpanzee seemed pretty wild to me. What have I always said?
“The PG tips chimps will have blood on their hands one day”
The fact that some people think they could beat an elephant make me suspect not all were taking it seriously, at least I hope they weren’t taking it seriously
And none of us thought to mention the dogs of the sea. No legs and yet still managed to break entry to a property and traumatise a cat.
Anyone had an attack from a seaside Seagull? They’re more frightening than a bear, especially if you’re carrying chips!!
So are kangaroos. So it’s something only those who have been to Australia might know about.
I recall having my chips stolen by a kangaroo when I was 14. One swift move and I lost all my chips, there and then!
Kangaroos are not to be messed with.
Another animal that might try and nick your chips is a Barbary Ape, native to Gibraltar. I suspect I could win in a fight against one of those, though
I could take on an eagle, I’m surprised chimpanzee is so low down on the list, they’re terrifying in a fight!
I knew a guy who would ask me these questions all the time so I’m well versed in visualising myself fight animals.
What would you rather fight 1 Rottweiler or 100 seagulls?
1 crocodile or 3000 hamsters?