Which animal could you beat in a fight?

Credit goes here to the fine folk at Yougov who have produced a seminal bit of polling. I don’t want to over state the importance of this work but it could well be cited in 100’s of years - after humanity is wiped out for picking fights with animals.

Which animal could you beat in a fight, in armed. This fight is to happen in a Roman style amphitheater, or more likely the carpark behind the Red Lion at 11:30pm.

Is there an animal you could beat they didn’t ask about?

Notice how they didn’t even ask about a fight with @CashCow who’s special move is called the portfolio insight tab. One look and any investor will crumble in an instant!


I note the absence of a Bull…


I probably have a cross fit duck, or goose as they’re otherwise known, in a fight.

If it’s Me v Goose I’ll be nursing my many wounds on a pillow stuffed with victory feathers.

not that goose


Probably goose for me…

That 5% of people who say they can beat a kangaroo definitely have never been kicked by one…

No mention of a swan obviously

All those who say rat obviously have forgotten Master Splinter, martial arts expert and instructor to the teenage mutant ninja turtles…

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Chicken, and I regularly do.

Squid Game season 2 should be created by putting all the deluded humans who said they could defeat a Gorilla, Lion, Elephant and Grizzly Bear in an amphitheatre together.

I reckon I could take a country pigeon, but a town centre pigeon will have my head off in under 30 seconds.


Pays not to upset elephants

Elephant kills woman, 70, in India and returns to trample on her corpse at funeral after lifting her body from pyre as family performed last rites

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Great White shark?

Better get a bigger boat.

I can lose to a bear market and I can also lose to a bull market.

I’m pretty good against grass and 82 year olds though.



Think it depends if you’re having a bad day and “out of control”. Your hooves of doom could do a lot of damage, although seems that the weapon of choice for a human is a bike.


Think Seagulls have also been missed from this list. Pretty sure someone locally lost a thumb in a battle over their Greggs steak bake a few years ago.

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Seagulls aren’t messing around. Viewer discretion is advised, especially if you’re a rabbit.

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Just for balance…I would like to see animals kill alot more humans :popcorn:


Seagull doing its best impression of a Pelican there

Definitely be some Darwin awards available, for those 2-14% of people in the survey saying they could beat everything from bears to kangaroos


I’d take any apart from the rat if that ran towards me.You would see me running like a girl faster than Usain Bolt :running_man::running_man::running_man::running_man::running_man::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Do the animals know they are in a fight? Or are they just plonked in an arena with you? I reckon I could have the wolf if it goes for a nap first.


Slightly different take here, but on my allotment I have to engage in psychological warfare with smaller beasts! Slugs, aphids, squirrels and even foxes. Have I beaten any of them or is there even any prospect of victory?

No :rage: