Women in Tech with the Freetrade Team, 6 PM Wed 10th March 2021, live on Zoom #IWD2021


Hi all,

Save this date as we celebrate International Women’s Day (on March 8th) throughout next week here at Freetrade! #IWD2021

Join us for a chat and Q&A with the Freetrade team @Caitlin, @Gemhappe, @nneka, @ElisaE, and other women in tech.

We’ll discuss our career journeys into tech, navigating a traditionally male-dominated environment, investing habits and more.

:alarm_clock: Wed 10th March, 6 - 7 PM
:round_pushpin: Zoom

As usual, we’ll share the Zoom link here just before 6 PM on Wed 10th March.

Can’t wait to see you all on the call!

Ask your questions below, and we’ll prioritise the most-liked.


Thanks for doing this!

Would be great to hear your input on the following questions?

  1. What are the two things your love and hate about FT’s product right now? Are you active users yourselves?

  2. Have you been investing in the market before joining FT? What’s your strategy?

  3. What are your goals for 2021?

  4. What is the one thing that you would like to change/improve/work on the most in your domain?

  5. How is your work life balance with regards to the recent gme craze?


Happy International Women’s Day! :grinning:


Thanks for holding this event. Sounds really interesting. Would be great to know some of the following…

  1. What percentage of your customers are women?
  2. What strategies do you have to attract young female investors?
  3. What strategy do you have to train and retain young female talent within the team?

One of the standout things to me is that Freetrade seems a bit male-centric, particularly the team. It’s probably just an image thing, but I know a couple of women who were thinking about applying to Freetrade but were put off by Glassdoor reviews of a quite masculine culture and the lack of visible women


Hey there :wave:

Thanks for the great questions, & perfect timing, we’ve recently shared the answer to your first question in our International Woman’s Day blog here.

Feel free to take a guess before checking! One thing to note is that we’re proud to say the percentage of female Freetrade users has more than tripled in the last year, but there is still a long way to go when it comes to female representation in the investing world and industry for sure.

See you at the event :raised_hands:


That’s great - is that a percentage of active users? Or overall users?

Here’s the link:


See you soon!

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@Doyin - it says the host has disabled the attendee chat :frowning: so we ask questions here?

Here or Q&A function on the webinar. :pray:

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It’s based on survey respondents - survey was sent to a representative sample of those with open funded accounts.

Thanks so much for organising this. It was so helpful and inspiring. Looking forward to next year’s :crossed_fingers:t5: Hopefully there’ll be a huge shift in the tech space by then, especially when it comes to women breaking into tech.


Hi Abi,

Thanks for joining the event, really glad you found it useful!

No doubt next year we’ll be celebrating a bigger shift in the tech space and highlighting the positive results of initiatives we’re involved in to further bridge the gender gap in tech!

Doyin :blush:


Thanks to everyone who joined our Women in Tech Zoom webinar, really great discussion and questions from the community!

Look out for more frequent community events posted here on the forum :raised_hands:


Thanks for organising this - sadly, I was only able to attend the first half hour. I believe the session was recorded so would that be made available?

I don’t work in tech but work in a male dominated industry (engineering recruitment) so it was interesting to hear about the experiences and challenges.


Glad you were able to tune in and found the discussion interesting, we are working to put the event on YouTube.

Once it’s up, we’ll announce it here on the thread :slight_smile:


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