250 new US stocks have just dropped on your app 🚁

Thanks for that info

Thank you! :blush::+1:

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Please check out my portfolio on YouTube, dividend bloodhound investing! :smile:

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So does this mean they will all eventually be available in the ISA?

Whether we can display them all is @robtimusprime’s question above.

ISA-eligibility is not our decision, but HMRC’s. You can find out more which shares qualify here: Stocks and Shares investments for ISA managers - GOV.UK



Question about Constellation $STZ. In the UK are we legally ok to profit from indirect cannabis proceeds?

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Are you able to provide the list with ticker symbols appended? Thanks.

Great work guys - thanks for the Cloudflare addition as well, wasn’t expecting that to be one of the 250 given recent comments :slight_smile:


Full list of all stocks available on FT is available on this google doc hosted by FT, this even includes symbols and ISA eligibility for each:




Thanks, and welcome to the community, Claude!

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@Viktor, you can buy Farfetch in your ISA on HL, so I’m confused as to why Freetrade would have a problem here?

Top work on the new stocks :+1:

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: [On :freetrade:] Virgin Galactic - SPCE :rocket: :crescent_moon:

Thanks! Wanted to buy Dexcom long time ago. :star_struck:

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Nice one freetrade you made us wait but I like at least 15 stocks as long term investments.

Charles Schwab β€œFreetrade wanabes” haha :rofl:

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I did see that and questioned if it was right or not :smiley: is that what they are actually defined as?

FT humour is class :laughing:

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I have to agree :rofl:

Which ones did you choose?